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Engagement had over...
Flashback of arhana....

Next day
In luthra mansion,
Shahana was thinking about Aryan and looking that her engagement ring.(manik came there and saw her) tears roll on her eyes.
Manik went and hugged her shahana to hugged him.

Manik_what happened shahana? Why are you crying?(she didn't say anything)
Manik (continue) _shahana I am watching you from your engagement are you not happy with it?
Shahana(tears voice) _I don't know bhai.
Manik_from that day I mean on holi we all asked you right you said you will be happy with him.
Shahana_I thought I will be happy but the days goes I am scared I will not be happy with him.
Shahana_It is hurting me bhai I didn't trust him belive him from my past.
Manik_past? Did you both know each other before it self?
Shahana look manik...,
Manik (continue) _don't hide anything from me shahana hereafter. {Shahana thought to say every thing to manik}
Shahana_Bhai when I was studying in London Aryan was my senior.

Flash back..,
In London
XXY college...shahana was new to college,

Shahana came inside..Aryan was talking with his friend. (Arjun and rohan) Arjun saw shahana.
Arjun_Aryan see this year one new girl came. (Aryan saw shahana he was admiring to see shahana)
Rohan_bro is she is your target?
Aryan_Is it is challenge you guys are keeping for me.
Arjun_last year I kept the challenge not this year.
Rohan_fine!!this year I will keep the challenge!!nothing you should do you should only broke her heart.
Aryan_such simple but guys I don't know if I cross my limit.
Both laughed. Aryan went near shahana.
Aryan_hello beautiful!
Shahana_hello but plz stop flirting with me I not a girl you think so plz. (She went from there)
Rohan_how can she talk with you like this?
Aryan_she will face Aryan khaana.
Arjun_waiting bro.

In shahana class,
She was sitting and talking to her friend avni.(suddenly all the girls started to shout) shahana and avni look them.
Rohan_hello girls and boys.
Every one_hello(except shahana) Aryan was looking at her.
Aryan_so you guys may be thinking why I came here.
Random girl_Yeah!but I think you guys must trying to find any girlfriend?
Arjun_yes you are correct but not for us for my friend Aryan.
Random boy_so you guys got this class?
Aryan_yes! If you guys are going to be quite I will select her and go.
Random girl_so you already selected her.
Aryan_So Shahana Luthra stand up. (She too stand and look avni she nod)
Aryan (continue)_so she is my girlfriend shahana luthra so no one should trouble her or hurt her if I came to know about anything then you guys should face my real face. Be careful.
Shahana look every one and run from there!!
Avni(stand) _don't you have shame she is a girl you are planing with her.
Arjun_aryan go and see shahana I will see her. (Arjun move to avni)
Avni_Stay away from me.
Arjun_what you will do?(and kiss her forehead and went)
Shahana went out and started to cry in a corner.
Aryan saw her and came near her. Shahana saw him and started to avoid. Aryan got angry and pull her towards a wall.
Aryan_don't you dare to avoid me..
Shahana_that is my wish. What is your problem?
Aryan_Nothing is my problem. If you behave like a good girl no problem will be there.
Shahana_Never ever atleast I will face the problem. But I will not be your girlfriend.
Aryan_Then face the contribution baby.
Shahana_first stop calling me with this cheap names.
Aryan_I will call you like this only.(he went from there) shahana came to class.
Avni_Is everything is okay?
Shahana nod
Avni_Don't worry shahana.

Few days ago....
Shahana was avoiding Aryan. (He was angry)
After finishing college shahana came out and waiting for cab.. Suddenly A car came and kidnapped her. (Aryan saw this and started to follow the car)

Someone_Hello sweetie.
Shahana_Who are you? Leave me?
Someone_I can't come and talk with you I was first person to see you but everything is worst because of that fuck Aryan.
Shahana_will you shut you mouth and leave me.
Someone_I had kidnapped you but you are talking rude towards me you need to face the worst of mine. (Shahana got scared)
He came near and try to kiss her and tore her dress then someone came and pull him and start to bet him...shahana open her eyes and saw her condition her eyes was filled with tears and she saw a person it was...
Aryan(shout nd angry)_how dare you? I already warned everyone do not try to trouble or hurt her? But you did so you need to face the worst side of Aryan khanna. (He started to beat him suddenly rohan, Arjun and avni came there) avni went towards shahana and saw her dress was torn!!avni hugged shahana.
Arjun_aryan stop he may be die!
Aryan_Let him. (Police came there and arrested him)
Aryan went near shahana and saw her condition. He pull her and went toward the car.
Avni_aryan leave her!! She is already hurt.
Rohan_avni please let him.
Avni_she is my friend. That to she is not in the state to fight this time you are making your wish.
Arjun_Can you shut up. Aryan take her. (Aryan smiled and went)

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