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"OK remember I'll be early to get you so we can get some ice cream and see Bruce OK?" I asked Star as we stood in front of her school.

"Yeah I'll see you later gater" I kissed her head and replied "see you later gater"

I had a long day ahead of me, I had work at the bakery and I had to start my new job at the bar later tonight.

I've been dreading getting that Job but unfortunately my 'sponser' was killed last night that changed my life ,of course he was absolute scum but atleast he was helping.

I worked like a dog all day and made enough for Star's ice cream and some bills at the hospital for Bruce's medications we had lunch together and he seemed better than most days and was even able to play cards with Star.

I was happy he was better but heart broken that I lost his source of medical treatment finances and I don't know how I would change my situation.


"Remember stay safe and be good to Mrs jung" I smiled at her as I said my goodbyes on my way to my last job of the day the bar.

" can I have a rum and coke please" the young blonde lady said, she was beautiful and she oozed confidence I smiled at her and got to making her drink.

"Vodka no ice" the cold man stated and he looked like someone you shouldn't mess with I just nodded and got to it.

I placed the cup in front of him and he ignored my presence talking to the beautiful lady and thank God it was time for my break.

Damn this stupid machine it won't give me my chips I'm really hungry and I know this isn't dinner but you take what you can get.

With a few more shakes and compliants it finally let them go and I sighed in relief my break was over in 10 mins so I had to be quick.

"That's no real dinner" I jumped and Immediately turned around and a strange tall man was standing behind me how did he get in the back??

"You're not supposed to be in here sir" I said a little scared.

"I know, but how else was I supposed to quietly speak with you Ms. Vill" he knows my name?

"Why do you know my Name? Look I don't want any trouble"

"Why don't you say that to my boss then" Boss?, last I heard that......

" Listen I I don't know where Big Bad is he's been MIA i-"

"That's not who I'm referring to but it's Good you are keeping your mouth shut about that night" he doesn't work for Big Bad then he works for..

" the the guy who killed him sent you here right?" He nodded his head.

"Why?! I I promised I wouldn't say anything and I left when he told me to and I swear I never stole anything "

" this isn't about what you did do but rather what you didn't, my boss became suspicious of you when you left the money just making sure his suspicions aren't true"

you've gotta be kidding me

"I didn't get it cause I'm not a prostitute, besides he did me a favour getting rid of that man I wouldn't say anything I owe him much more than that honestly" I mumbled the first part.

"Exactly, you do owe him that's why he'd like to have a meeting with you tomorrow afternoon"

"What? No! Listen you know I'll keep my mouth shut just leave me be" he stepped forward a bit and I flinched backwards.

" do understand I would never hurt a lady and here is the number that will contact you don't be stupid and wait outside when the car arrives to pick you up" he handed me a peice of paper and it was said I'd be picked up at 12pm tomorrow.

"Sir seriously I can't I have work tomorrow till 1pm i" he smiled

"Well I guess you have to figure something out cause he hates to wait" and he was gone.

I slumped down on the chair and felt like crying but I couldn't, what mess have I dragged myself into this time?.


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