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You know how your Brain would try it's absolute best to push pain out of it so that you could live a way better life.

So that your days could feel normal again and the world didn't spin so slowly anymore.

My brain couldn't always do that when I was 12 my father lost his hard earned mechanic business to fire and the insurance on it was zero to nothing.

That's when he changed and my world spun slower he would do the best he can with call in jobs and my mom worked as a maid ,waitress and more.

My father Got more angrier as time went on, he hated how my mother was never around busy and he turned to substance abuse he drank so much he'd pass out in his own vomit.

And I was always there to clean it up through all that he only hit me once before and my mother so much more for always being my shield.

He died when I was 15 of overdose in a crack house 2 blocks away and it was just me my brother and 2 year old sister witch was a surprise that she got pregnant by him even after all he did, she still did love him.

My mother died when I was 19 of breast cancer which she hid from us in her last way to protect us but it just hurt more.

I was then meant to take care of my siblings my brothers illness got worse as the situations got tough and I could bearly afford his medication.

Then I met big bad, he met me in the cafe I worked in he would always be there and always ask for Me to serve him till he offered me the daisy position and I accepted I needed to get Bruce in treatment fast.

So basically my world has been spinning slow for 11 years but it stopped and I felt like I was flying forward when I met Kaden.

I don't know how or why but he made me feel that way, like I was zooming through clouds but I was going too fast to see when I would crash.

I was looking in the mirror trying my best to cover up my brusing which went down a bit over the past week and a half that's when I last saw him or heard from him.

That night made me sleepless ,his voice the blood the anger in his words and eyes all a bad dream that may never fade.

"HAVY hurry up i want to get my birthday stuffy!!" Star said outside my door and I smiled it was her birthday I was so thankful that I got to see her birthday.

"I'm coming I'm coming "


"I don't know if I want the pink with a water slide and jacuzzi or the purple with the pool and extra dog house" she said as she looked at the two doll houses she's been eyeing for 2 years now.

"I wish you could get them both" I said and she smiled at me.

"I'm just greatful you worked for one and you also work hard for Bruce as well you're basically our own superhero" and she smiled at me I hugged her then I heard someone say.

"I say get anything you want in the store" I know that voice.

Star giggled and looked at him " Don't be crazy mister no one can afford all that" he knelt down to her and I almost pushed her behind my legs until he said

"I can afford all that, I heard its your birthday today and I'm willing to get you anything you want in the store "

"Really?! Who are you mister??" He looked up at me..

"I'm uncle Kaden your sister's side kick" she smiled wide and looked at me asking is that true? And I shook my head

"What are you doing is this some kind of joke?" I asked him

"No I just want to do a simple good deed, Harry grab a trolley and help little miss Star pick out what she wishes" Star squealed and Harry followed orders.

"Don't fill her mind with false hope that this would keep happening!" I told him.

"Why wouldn't it? I'm willing to spoil her and I'm willing to spoil you as well the question is are you going to let me" he touched my cheek and I smacked his hand away.

"Don't touch me " but he didn't care for my request and still raised his hand lifting my chin slightly and his eyes grew a bit sad.

" let me get you anything you want, anything at all just for today, would you let me?" He had sadness in his eyes

"Why would you want to do that?!"

"In a weird way it's the only way I could think of to say sorry and thank you for taking care kd amanda when she needed help, my associates are also having a Gala tomorrow I would wish you come with me " he can't be serious.

"I don't trust you-" and he kissed me gob smack in the middle of a toy store he kissed me really nicely.

"Please consider it, my card is with Harry get anything you wish buy absolutely anything " and he was off out the door.


"I can't wait to tell Maddie that I got her a doll house too she's gonna be so happy I'm happy your boyfriend is so nice!" Boyfriend?

"You don't have to hide I saw him kiss you he's nice and handsome and nothing like big bad" she then yawned leaning on my arm as she needed a nap.

We were on our way home from the hospital where we had lunch with Bruce and had Star's birthday cake Harry was more than willing to drive us till we finished our day.

"Thank you for the rides Harry"

"No problem, she seems like a little firecracker but she has a good heart and I know you've raised her well."

"Well this little fire cracker can sure tire you out if you're not careful " he laughed.

"He's sorry, Haven " i deeply sighed, about to rebutt

"If anything it's my fault and not his, every year around the time of his birthday he's a total asshole, his mother was killed in front if him, his brother and father 11 years ago a day before his birthday"

I was in shock how could someone experience that.

"He becomes this brute that sadly we can't stop, he had been better these past years but right before he did what he did to you he got word that they planed to ambush his party,he found his brother James in a fight, they planned to kill him casualties included and then he saw Amanda injured he acted out of anger" That's why he was covered in blood.

"He caught you at the wrong time and I know he's sorry for crying out loud the man has bearly slept or eaten since then, I don't want to make excuses for him but just give him a small chance, at least the benefit of the doubt you are left with 2 weeks on your contract as well atleast push through till then"

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