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My body shivered being here everyone looked so well dressed and busy and I walked up to the receptionist.

"Hello um I'm here to see the boss?" She looked at me for a second and asked.

"Dr. Kaden Allen Jr you mean?" I wasn't sure if that was his name so I just nodded.

She sighed and asked "what's your name?"

"Haven Vill ma'am" she called someone real quick and approved me to head up to the last floor and I thanked her.

When I finally made it up it was so cool it was all round windows looking out at new York City and I saw a lady get up.

"Miss. Vill he is expecting you right this way may I get you anything? Tea or coffee?"

I just shook my head" no thank you that's fine I won't be here long "

"She'll have a tea thank you Jerry he nodded and went out" I heard the voice I thought I wouldn't have to hear ever again speak.

"Have a seat" he told me as he took his throne as well.

I took my seat keeping my bag close to me and looking everywhere else apart from his face.

" I'm not here for long, I didn't take the money cause I'm not a prostitute, I won't say anything about that night ok?"

"It was your first time." He said and that's when I looked up at him.


"Why didn't you say anything to me before.."

"I wasn't in my right mind I just watched a man die and I, I don't know..."

"How is that possible if you were his daisy"

" we didn't do anything else apart from hand jobs and blow jobs he didn't want to do anything cause he respected his wife ironic i know" I scoffed at the reminder.

He stood up and walked around the table to be in front of me.

"What did he have on you?"

" nothing you should know about" it happened so fast that in the blink of an eye he grabbed me by the waist and put me on the table like I weighed nothing.

"One thing i fucking hate is when someone cuts me off when I'm speaking or speaks when not allowed to. Do you understand that." He squeezed my thigh and my insides started bubbling.

"Yes sir"

" now tell me what he had on you, the man was nearly 60 you clearly didn't do this for free"

"He knew about my siblings and my living situation, he took advantage of me, telling me he would help pay to keep my brother alive and my sister fed if I gave him my company"

His hand started to travel up my thigh and he was under my dress nearing my center making me gasp a little.

"And how much did he pay for your company?" He pushed me back on the table after clearing a bit of space and towered over me it's like I was in a trance.

"$5000 every month" I wasn't keeping track of his movements till I felt him lick my center and I jumped a little as he held me in place.

"How about I offer much much more for your time, 3 months and you're all mine" I was about to answer but before I could he went to town on me and I was a moaning mess.

He then went on to use his fingers and I was shaking, I've Never felt anything like this before and my better judgement left the door.

"You cum when I tell you too you understand?" I just nodded with my center begging for release he kissed me one last time.

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