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"Then the pig told all the little kids that he was greatful for building his great big house for him the end" I said and looked at Star sleeping.

Just then Mrs jung walked in " You are so good with her ,she truly is lucky to have you" I smiled

" Well I'm sure she can have much more..."

"Don't push yourself to limits you know aren't worth it little one. Do what you can and let the rest fall in." I smiled at that, I didn't have many people looking out for me expecially ever since we moved to New York 3 years ago.

"Thank you, well I have to head out now I'll be by to get her first thing in the morning "


I was walking trying to keep up with Harry's movements he was quick and we were in this huge hotel that was alive with life and music an event was happening.

My dress was off shoulder black and an original high fashion custom made dress just for me... well at least that's what the card said in the box when it arrived on my door step.

According to the contract he required you to dress in the finest even if he would rip it off after.

Harry opened a door for me and it was a hall of the hotel that looked like an expensive club we got through people with him clearing a way for us.

We headed way up stairs and my heart began to beat faster I was about to change my life by associating with Dr. Kaden...

We reached two huge doors as two gaurds opened it and I realised they only let me in.

I walked forward to the couches with the envelope in my arms and then I spotted him.

He was looking out the window towards new york city.

"Seat down we have a lot to discuss now that you've agreed to take up my offer" I nodded and sat on the couch.

A woman then rushed in and poured me some wine and was gone as quickly as she came, her actions done in fear.

He sat on the opposite side of me and signaled for the contract and I gave it to him and he told me to put in my points so he could consider them.

My points had been

1. Nothing that can cause me to bleed or bruise.

2. If its too late at night when I have to leave someone should help me home.

3. No involvement in my personal life.

4. All payments should be on time

5. I can't travel without my sister.

How much I would like $15 000 every month.

He then looked up at me. " is that all?" He asked and I nodded then remembered he required me to use my voice and I said yes sir.

"I have no problem with your requests apart from the money" I sighed I knew the money would be an issue it was too much.

"It's too little, realistically that won't take care of all your expenses "

"It will take care of the necessary ones" I quickly shut up when I remembered he didn't like being talked over.

"Seeing as your bother's medical reaches about 7000 every month and you have your little sisters schooling clothing and much more " he stopped once he saw that it really wasn't clicking to me where he was going with it.

" I'll pay all your brothers medical, anything at all and I'll take care of all your sisters expenses as well be it school or clothing deal?" With what he was willing to do he was looking at close to $20000 which was way more.

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