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ringing in my ears was all I could hear as he dragged me along with him till we reached the elevator and as the door shut so did the ringing and I fell to the floor in tears and shock.

Is he going to kill me? Big Bad is dead ,he's he's

"Get up off the floor " I looked up at him and I immediately got up my legs weak and he watched me get up.

He cornered me and softly raised his bloody hand to brush my hair out of my face my heart beating fast but not of fear.

I could tell he was burning with anger a flame I know all to well that I did the only thing i thought to do, I kissed him he needed to get rid of the anger one way or another and I can't die tonight.

He didn't hesitate to take my clear as day offer and ravaged my lips, he was strong and took what he
was given.

His hands slid to the arch of my back  strongly pulling me closer, things got hotter till the door opened and next thing I knew I was pulled roughly by him to a car

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His hands slid to the arch of my back strongly pulling me closer, things got hotter till the door opened and next thing I knew I was pulled roughly by him to a car.

He drove like a crazy person and I just said a little prayer that he won't send us flying off a bridge.

We reached his house I believe and I could bearly even properly look at it as I was already in his arms ,with my legs wrapped around his waist and his tongue taking over my mouth he's an amazing kisser.

I really was out of it cause next thing I knew I was on a bed and he was on top of me.

"One thing I love about sleeveless dresses"

"There easy to take off?" I finished what he said he looked up at me finally realising I remembered him from that night.

He stood up and slowly took his clothes off while he stared deep into my eyes and once I saw all of him I understood God took precious time on him in every way, every way.

"Take it off" I quickly followed his commands and reached for my zipper in fear till he spoke again " slowly" and I did not once looking away from his eyes that looked deep into my soul.

The deep green putting me in a trance that eliminated all trace of time.

Once I was done I crawled over to him kissing him from his pelvis all the way to his lip till he moved his face away I paused but didn't have much time to think of what just happened cause I was under him in a heartbeat again.

He seemed more angry is it cause I tried to kiss him again? He wasted no time and slammed into me and I yelped in unbearable pain not only cause of the sudden action, or his size but cause it was my first time.

He pumped me fast and deep without rest or mercy, I did this, I thought i could help i didnt know we'd go all the way.

He pulled out making me moan again and kissed my neck he pulled me by the arm and I thought that ment it was time for me to pleasure him but before I could get on top of him he just turned me around and I was on all fours.

"I I ahh!" He smacked my ass hard.

He leaned towards my ear and spoke" did I fucking ask you to speak?" I just shook my head as fear ran down my spin.

" then don't speak or cum till I fucking ask you too you understand that?" I just nodded my head in agreement and he was in me again I was on cloud nine.


A good night sleep, I never knew what those were for the past 3 years I haven't slept as good as right now.

I opened my eyes to for lit room and it all came crushing down like a flood, I slept with a killer

" Kade Kade! " I heard the large doors open and a young woman walked in probably 14 and I remembered I wasn't decent and covered myself.

"Oh my my you are probably the cutest he's brought up here" just the the door on the left opened and the man I slept with came out.

"Amanda get out!" She held her chest clearly in offense

"Excuse me if I came to Check if you were still alive I didn't here you come in last night and it's 9am way past the normal time you leave, by the way who's she"

"I don't care and that's no one get out" she grumbled and walked to the door

"Whatever breakfast is ready I'm sure there's enough for her too" she winked at me and she closed the door.

I looked down for a moment and it sank in what she just said it was 9Am?! Star!.

I got up too quickly and damn was I sore he really did a number on me.
I let out a small ow before I started looking for my dress and shoes.

I was running around till I realised the other person in the room. I slowly looked up and noticed he was already watching me, probably cause I looked absolutely crazy.

"I I'm sorry I didn't wake up sooner I'll be out of here In a minute I just need to get dressed"

He ignored my statement and walked to the other side of the bed side drawer and his next action shocked me and made me sick to my stomach

He threw a stack of money to the side I was on and said" one of my guards will drive you home and keep your mouth shut about last night understood? Be out in 10 mins "

And he walked to I believe the closet. I felt a bit weak at that but I remembered that I promised to pick up Star before school and I'm running late.

I got dressed as quickly as I could leaving ignoring random calls from people at the house and I got home with the bus.


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