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I was walking home from a long day at the senior center and I saw my reflection and I was a wreck.

My hair has never been in worse shape and I clearly didn't look like I was actually taking my life back not to think it's been a few days scince u saw kaden and he has withdrawn as the sole financiary for my brothers treatment.

Amd I just walked in I needed to take control.

"Hey love what can I Do for you?"

"Could you cut it "

"I can do so much more than just cut it for you child, just sit and relax".


"Good morning Elsie"

"Wow, your hair, you look beautiful Haven" o smiled as I stroked the strands a bit

"Thank you I was worried it was too different but my sister seemed to love it too"

"What are you doing here I have work" he stared at my hair and I felt fully exposed under his gaze, I felt fully naked

"You changed your hair"

"Yes and you have to leave" before I could push hum to the door his non hurt arm came up from behind him and the most beautiful bouquet of peonies were in his hands"

"These are for you"

"I'm not taking those"

"Why not? I picked them out just for you"

"We already talked about this the conversation is over"

"I dont remember ending our conversation Miss Vill all i remember was you storming off in our last encounter"

"You offended me do you ever care when you do wrong?!"

"You never let me apologize"i noticed everyone was looking at us and I dragged him to the break room which had a table for our lunch time.

and he walked round the table looked right at me till he was in front of me. I didn't want to seem intimidated so i stood my ground and  we were face to face as i looked up at him and him down at me.

"What would you even say i doubt you could apologize to anyone yet alone someone like me"

"Well Its simple, I'd say you're beautiful, you're soft, im more than greatful you stayed by my side in the hospital and you make this harder for me to do than i could ever comprehend"


"You're probably the first woman to speak her mind and put me in my place apart from my family and i don't have the fucking urge to kill you after"

He kept speaking till i was backed up against a wall.

"And your hair already made me so damn happy before imagine what it makes me want to do to you now."

And before i could say anything he kissed me hard. He kissed me like all he wanted to tell me was in that very kiss which was new cause he never kissed me often.

His hands started to move down my back slowly till he reached my ass and squeezed and i immediately jumped and i was in his arms

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His hands started to move down my back slowly till he reached my ass and squeezed and i immediately jumped and i was in his arms.

He immediately moved to the table and just like deja vu i was on his table with Him on top of me taking my jeans off.

Wait i can't do this i can't let him take advantage of me again and at work!.

"Wait , stop!" He groaned clearly frustrated.

"Is this why you came here and said all you did so you could get some?!"

"Fuck no!"

"Then What is this Kaden?"

"I wanted to ask you to go out with me no contracts or stings attached I wanted to know if you'd give me an actual chance"

"You're kidding"

"I have 12 other bouquets outside waiting for you right now."

"So I guess you aren't kidding" I got off the table and paced a bit.

"Will you?"

"I don't know, I ,this is all just weird one day we are on a contractual basis of strictly sex, you nearly killed me once and here you are asking me out?"

"I'll give you time, I'll wait for you just don't keep me waiting too long I don't know what I'll do, im not kown to be paitent" he pushed a strand of hair behind my ear

And he was gone.


For the past few days I ignored him the absolute best I could he called and texted he wasn't backing down.

He said he'd give me time but strangely it felt like time was actually running out and I didn't know what to do about it cause I was sure it was all in my head.

"HAVY! look at my back flip!" Star did a back flip on the monkey bars we were at the park waiting for Tristan and Jasmine to come and join us but he was running late.

"Hey I'm sorry are you miss Vill?" I looked up and it was the ice cream man from across the street.

"Who's asking?" He smiled and handed me two ice cream cones and a note.

"These are for you and your sister, enjoy your day" wait what?

"Wait sir I didn't ask for these" he smiled

"A very well dressed man got them for you just read the note I'm sure you'll know who"

I took the note and read it.

I saw you on my way to work I know you are still ignoring me maybe something sweet will get me some where.

I hate to admit it, that was cute just then I felt someone hold my shoulder startling me.

"Sorry we are late I just got some business to attend to, ouu you got ice cream let me get some for jaz and I and maybe we could watch a movie right after this?" I smiled and nodded at him yes.

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