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I was moving round the bookstore once more like I always did but this time I was finally getting the book I've been saving up for something to keep me busy apart from work at the bar 4 times a week.

The little TV next to the magazines was on about Hollywood gossip which I didn't care for till it was the same deep green eyes I already knew..... Kaden.

"Speaking of great catches our favourite multi billionaire Dr. Kade Allen Jr. Owner of All-en Corp was spotted in Paris getting very cozy with supermodel and actress Skyler Page.

Yes they looked more than steamy some fans even wrote on social media that they wouldn't be shocked to hear wedding bells finally for the two stars Kade soon to turn 28 and Skyler 26" I was so engrossed in what they had to say about the prettier skinnier and blonder girl on the screen holding Kades arm as they avoided the flashes of paparazzi.

He had someone, he had someone yet he still saw me atleast 3 times a week. I should have known something was off when two weeks turned into 4 with no text or even a call, not even from Harry.

I shouldn't be hang up this much on him but damnit he is all I could think about.

I snapped out of it once I felt someone tap my shoulder, it was Tristan.

"It's nice to see you here Haven" he smiled it was such a great smile.

"Oh uhm yeah I was just getting a book that I've been wanting for a while it's nothing big" he then looked at the book in my hand.

"Ou I see I see I was grabbing some children's books for my 8 year old niece as well she loves when I read them to her" I smiled

"So does my little sister she's always in a better mood once I read to her"

"That's great I think my Natalie would love to meet her" that doesn't sound like a bad idea

"Well Star doesn't have that many friends maybe we could arrange for a play date some time"

"Absolutely a date sounds great" the way he said date sounded like he meant something between us.

My contract and relations with Kade will be over soon and he seemed to be settled for the after I guess I should settle for my after as well...

So I had coffee that afternoon with Tristan and it was great, he was sweet respectful and a great listener, seeing that I've only ever had one boyfriend I didn't have much to compare him to but he was great.

He even paid for my taxi ride home he was a gentleman i don't know why I wouldn't go through with his advances.


" the warning signs were all over the place you really can't trust a dude who shows up at your window" I told Tristan as I grabbed a soda for him from the kitchen.

We had come back from the park with the girls and decided to watch tangled so they could be around each other more and they loved eachothers company.

"Well you have a point but when you see a pretty girl you still gotta go for it even if they are 5 stores high." I laughed at him and then I had a knock at my door and I went to get it and I was more than shocked to see who it was.

"Miss. Vill may I come in?" Harry said and I shook my head right before Tristan asked who it was and I told him it was the neighbour.

"Oh, you have company I see" we were now both on the balcony.

"Uhm yeah he's uhm my boss from the bar and it's a uhm long story... so whats up? I haven't seen you in a while how's Dessy (his fiance)?"

"She's fine but I'm sure you know that's not why I'm here right now. He's back from Paris and told me to give you this and he will be expecting you tomorrow night, he will be having his birthday party so he asked you show up quite late, around 11pm"

I took the box from hum and nodded I guess it was back ro business I guess.

"I'll be the one to pick you up ,see you tomorrow miss vill" and he was off.

I got back in and took the box straight to my room and stomping out any suspicious vibes Tristan assumed just happened.

When they left and I put Star to bed inside was a Steve madden dress, purse and shoes, they were gorgeous and I'm gonna try my best not to ruin these they were tok pretty.

Tomorrow was his birthday.. I never even knew but now I'm compelled to get him a birthday gift, as his friend its only respectful.

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