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I woke up in and my mind was still racing like crazy, why did I get upset last night, why did I leave like that?
I sighed and slammed my head on my pillow.

I should apologise for my behaviour I know I had no right to act like that he's just my Spade well was as of tomorrow but I still see him as some what of a friend that I respect.

I turned and saw all of Star's new toys in the basket, he is kind of a friend too just very very cold hearted.

It was the afternoon now and I was evaluating my finances and bills, Burce can finally leave the hospital now that he had his last surgery but he will need regular check ups every two weeks.

I'm thankful for Kaden cause he made it happen with the private room and paying the bills, in exchange for my body of course but it saved his young life and I'm greatful.

He'll also be approved for regular school and I have too look into how that will happen too, I've been saving up from all my jobs as kaden took charge of medical and school bills and i belive my savings can help us move out of this dump finally.

I saw on the kitchen table when a loud banging on my door nearly scared me to death then I heard my name.

"Miss. Vill open up!"Harry?! I rushed to the door and opened it and he looked terrible covered in blood?!

I pulled him inside immediately "Harry what happened? Why are you covered in blood, have you slept since last night?!"

"Boss was attacked last night, it was supposed to be done at the event but he left early because of you,he was hit by one of the assassins as he was driving and he suffered terrible injuries i was the one who found him and pulled him out of the wreck hence the blood" I held my mouth ,he was hurt, he was hurt because of me?!

"He's in surgery right now and his younger brother and April are at the hospital waiting "

"But why are you here you should be there too, what if something happens this is all my fault I shouldn't have ran off im sorry"

"April sent me she thought best if you knew and if i brought you to the hospital" I stood there in shock why would i be doing their i mean i now know him and take him as a friend but seeing as im the reason for his pain why should i be there and I looked up at Harry who was panting and tired.

"You need to get out of those clothes, you can take a shower and I'll get you some clothes" he agreed after some protest and I he said he already had clothes in the car.

It was crazy, crazy cause once I got here I bearly left.

I was here to change the flowers or place new ones that came in and I read the funny and kind cards to him.

I was here right after dropping off my sister at school and attending to my brother who couldn't stop asking for him and I just had to tell him that he might not see him much anymore not cause he was bed ridden but cause our contract was long done with.

It's been two weeks, he hasn't woken up for two weeks, he suffered close to death injuries and the doctors didn't even understand how he was still alive and fighting.

Sometimes I'd leave late but I'd leave early cause I have Star and no one else could be here apart from his 16 year old brother who now I knew was kept in hiding due to danger scince his mother was killed and Alice and Harry had to run all the things kade was such as the mafia and businesses.

The media has been all over this story as well and the fact that he was a very influential man it shocked people, he really did hold a lot on his shoulders.

I was sitting in the seat next to his bed reading a book I had work today in an hour so I figured I'd check up on him then head over to the bar.

Even in bandages and scars he was still handsome no wonder women flock to him he had it all and he needed the right woman for it.

"Miss. Vill how is he today?" Harry said as he walked in he knew I'd be here,I basically always was in my open time.

"Better the doctors said he was healing rapidly and is still basically a miracle " I smiled and got up grabbing my bag I should be heading to work now.

"Thank you for helping out really don't know what we would have done without you around" I smiled

"Don't worry about it Harry it's the best i could do if I hadn't ran away-"

"If you hadn't ran away he would have been shot dead in that gala and more people would have lost thier lives, why did you leave by the way?"

"I really don't even understand why myself, it was dumb I should have just stayed" I looked at his unconscious self.

"Do you love him?" What?

"What? No I I I don't I can't!"

"You can't?"

"Yes I can't I'm seeing someone"

"Who the Tristan guy?"

"I have to go to work Harry the nurse will be in for a check up in a few minutes and uhm I won't be by as much anymore i got an extra job at a nursing home so.." I said avoiding eye contact.

"Haven if this is about money we can" he didn't call me Miss. Vill

"No no its fine the deal is over now I have to start looking towards my future my brother will be sent home on weekly checkup in a week and a half I need to look for a place and his school I can't.... goodnight Harry ok" he just smiled and saw me out.

Why did he say I was seeing Tristan? we are just friends and has been trying to get with the assistant manager Bianca for weeks now with some of my help and advice as well.

What does it mean to even love someone other than family, does it burn when they aren't around or when you feel like you are losing them? I don't know.

I just hope he doesn't take what I said seriously.


Haven was too kind and delicate for her own good and she's grown to be some what a little sister to me im actually shocked he's kept her for this long he was never able to keep a Daisy more than a month.

I was speaking with the doctor on his condition and a nurse rushed in "Sir Dr. Allen is awake".

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