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Hello, this will be my first story I'm trying something new. Excuse errors and enjoy! 💕'


   It was a quiet Friday night, too quiet. Seventeen year old Kiara laid in her queen sized bed playing 'unthinkable' by Drake on her tv as she just wondered, "when am I going to be happy?"

It was the middle of the semester and she was honestly doing pretty good. Averages of B's and low A's were what she made and she was always trying her best to stay out of the way. It just seemed like trouble didn't want to stay out of 𝐡𝐞𝐫 way.

  For context, Kiara had a little sister, Serenity, and her mom. Her father couldn't just stop with his cheating, and he was never truly there for her as a dad. She lacked a proper father figure. Consequently, her relationships had to pay the price.

  As she lay in her thoughts, she felt vibrations coming from her nightstand. Sighing and rolling her eyes, the young girl reached for her phone hoping it wasn't who she thought it would be, her ex boyfriend. Growing irritated by the contact name, she hit the decline button knowing it would do no good.

  Tyrell was her ex-boyfriend... who happened to cheat on her with who she thought was her bestfriend, Meekah. Just the thought of the two of them betraying her started to make the girl hurt a little. Rolling over,  she decided to skip the love song in the background and find 'John Redcorn' by SIR to play instead.

   As the song began, Kiara ignored the next 3 calls she received from her cheating ex boyfriend and answered out of annoying on the fourth, hoping the immature young man would make it quick, whatever he had to say.

The music paused.
   "Yes hello? How may I help you sir..?", Kiara mumbled, showing the ceiling of her bedroom instead of what her ex boyfriend loved to compliment most, her pretty eyes.

  "Umm why the fuck you ain't answer my calls? I been calling you all week Ki! Four times today, five yesterday, I stuck a note in your locker like cmon I said I was sorry! That's yo problem now you always wanna cling to the past and shi why can't you just forgive me and we be good again, damn!"

They were toxic. Kiara decided to mute her phone, sighing and leaving her bed to pace her free space in her room as he continued going in on her, blaming her for everything. Just as usual.

"Um, HELLO?! You don't hear me talking to you shorty I know damn well yo phone work! Keep ignoring me and watch what happen.", Tyrell angrily spoke. He's been so aggressive with her lately. Not how he used to be.

Calming herself and preparing for this conversation, she made her way back to her bed, sitting down and breathing in before unmuting her phone.

"Tyrell I'm not doing this with you today. It's 1am. You've been trying to talk to me all week long. Hell, you lucky I decided to even answer 𝐦𝐲 phone in the first place." Shit. Here we go..

"So yuon wanna be wimme, Kiara? After everything we been through?! You forgave me the first time, why can't you forgive me bruh. All them times I been there for you, all the times I fed you, I love you girl! Take me back bruh 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞, one more chance"..  

Smiling to himself, Tyrell grew confident she would want to meet up and talk in person, where he would just play his stupid mind games to win her over.

He didn't want to lose her. Or better worded, he didn't want anyone else to have her. He was selfish.

Picking up his keys, he made his way to the frontdoor, already having his answer in his mind... just to be surprised.

"No Tyrell", she said. "I'm not doing this with you. You're draining me , I can't keep this up any longer. You were my first 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠... and you treated me like I was nothing to you. My bestfriend ?! Are you fuckin crazy Tyrell what the fuck do you mean I'm clinging to the past ?! You know what.."

And with that, Tyrell heard three beeps.. indicating his ex girlfriend ended their FaceTime call.

Growing angry, he began to text her phone. They ranged from apologies to threats. Promises for her to "what's wassup" and "meet ha match".

Kiara was tired of it honestly. Not because she wanted him to leave her alone, but because she wanted him to go back to how it was in the beginning.

Applauding herself mentally, the young girl decided to block his number and turn on her favorite YouTuber, GOTDAMNZO. He never failed to make her laugh... and with that, she fell asleep... oblivious to what would happen the next day.


It was now 11am, and the junior was exhausted. Scrolling on Instagram, she saw yet another repost of the most recent party she decided not to attend, where Tyrell and her ex bestfriend Meekah, were boo'd up kissing and flipping off the person recording.

It was a shame honestly. All the times Kiara would witness the two arguing like siblings, just to discover he had been cheating with her for almost a quarter of their 2 year relationship.

It was heartbreaking honestly. She had been familiar with Tyrell since she was 15. The two would do everything together, seeing as them being friends since the fourth grade would make that possible.

Both of them were there for her as she had to witness her now divorced parents facing their legal separation from each other.

Meekah would always allow her to stay the night, where they would talk to each other about everything going on at school.

Kiara wasn't really a party girl, but her bestfriend would take her every now and then to take her mind away from home. Her bestfriend wasn't perfect though. She was secretly plotting for her boyfriend after all.

Hearing her name being called, Kiara returned back to earth and turned to face her worried mother.

"Hi my baby, goodmorning", she greeted. Receiving a mumbled greeting, Ms. Brown made her way to the kitchen, sighing at the sight of all of the dishes complete, as well as the appliances and stove wiped.

"Kiara my baby.. I told you that I would take care of the kitchen yesterday. You haven't been yourself, I wanted to at least give you a little break.."

Hearing sounds of irritation, she saw her daughter raise from the dining table, and quickly apologize before making her way up the stairs to enter her bedroom.

Kiara was heart broken even with being able to disguise her true feelings. She had discovered her boyfriend being unfaithful through social media, of all things.

Having to see a whole tape her her two closest people betraying her two days after the whole school had already known. She was sick when it happened, and decided to stay home since she was already ahead with her assignments.

When she returned to the school she already had so much drama in, her day was ruined before it even started.

Having to hear everyone on her school bus asking if she was okay and if her and her boyfriend were still together. They were everyone's favorite couple after all.

Replaying that day in her head, Kiara decided to just take herself a nap. 10 minutes in, a red car pulled up to her house and two individuals got out.

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