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-omniscient pov-
A week later

"Thank you ma'am." Kiara spoke to the waitress as she placed her burger and fries in front of her. The waitress replied with a warm smile.

"You're welcome, ma'am" the waitress spoke to Kiara. She asked if the two girls were okay before grabbing her cart and pushing it to the kitchen where she came from. Zyana decided to push her plate aside and admire her date just a little while longer, who did the same a few seconds later.

"How do you like your day so far ?" Kiara asked. She rested her head on her hand to show the was genuinely interested in what Zyana had to say.

"I'm feeling it.. I'm feeling you. It's chill but at the same time it's meaningful, you know?" She asked.. struggling to find the words that could explain how she was feeling. It seemed nothing could explain the feeling that Kiara gave her.

Kiara smiled at what her date was saying. She took everything in with caution, though. She was sure that Zyana wouldn't be lying to her to make her feel good. But what if? That question wouldn't leave her mind no matter how much she wanted it to.

The two girls talked for a few minutes. Maybe 10 minutes at most while the food cooled down. Zyana didn't really like to drive much and didn't always have access to her car, but she made sure to have it with her for this day. She never told Kiara what the day would consist of and they had already gone to go painting together and going to a local animal petting event.

They were now getting lunch at Applebees and resting from how much they've had to walk today. Kiara had just finished a few of her fries before staring down at her food for a bit. She looked up at Zyana and let all of her thoughts narrate how she was feeling. Was she happy ? Would this even last ? What would her mother think ..

Zyana was gay as hell and it showed. Kiara was open to both boys and girls, but her mother was only aware of her interest in one. She could never really talk to her mom about things that were bothering her or had happened, even though her mother was well aware of situations Kiara faced with men. 

"Can I ask you something ?" Kiara finally spoke. She looked up at the tatted stud with a face of worry. Zyana nodded her head as she was chewing on a chicken tender.

"Go ahead, mama." Zyana said. And Kiara felt butterflies at the pet name. She was hesitant to ask, not wanting to ruin what vibe they had already developed. They were friends for some time now and had hung out many times. This was just their first time being together alone aware of what will happen with their relationship.

"How would you feel if we were to be private ?" Kiara asked before she grabbed a few more fries to eat and distract herself from her mind.

"What do you mean by private?" she heard Zyana speak. "What would we be private for? You saying you want nobody to know about what we have going on? What's wrong with us having something going on?" Zyana began to pour questions into Kiara.

She didn't think it would be so triggering. Yes she had been in private relationships before. But she never saw Kiara as the type to want that. Every private relationship resulted in her being cheated on after all. Why would she want Kiara to do the same?

"No, no no no." Kiara said as she waved her hands. She can see the pain growing on Zyana's face with every word. "I don't wanna hide you. I don't, I promise." She began.

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