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Hiii, excuse any typos!

   "Kiaaraaa!", the young teen dragged. She raised her head to look at her bedroom door, where she saw a tall and skinny teenage boy twerk his way into her room. "Han! Han! What ? Han!", he chanted. Pleased by her giggles, the 17 year old gestured for a hug, where she gladly jumped from her messy bed to hug her gay bestfriend, Amir.

   "Mirie this shit is so fucked up bruh!", she started. Ranting and punching her fists as her bestie would occasionally fake jump and nod his head, allowing the girl to get everything off of her chest.

"I mean come on now two years ?! Girl he called me last night complaining ab forgiveness saying I need to just let it go after everything he did for me. Bitch my daddy don't be begging me the way you do and his ass on child support living in the g-h-e-tt-o!"

  The older teen bust out laughing, shaking his head and waving hands to her. "Okay no more! Bitch you wrong for that!!" He made his way to her bed and got himself comfy, they'd been friends for about five years after all. He asked, "well, what's he doing now?"

"Nigga blocked, fytb" she quickly spat. Surprised by this reply, the flamboyant child covered his mouth and sat in awe. "I can't do this anymore. Tell me why he talking ab 'oh but you forgave me the first time", she mocked in a fake boy accent. "Why can't you forgive me this time". What he didn't say over the phone, was that he cheated multiple times.

Hearing her door open again, she quickly turned covering her mouth, thinking her mother had heard her cursing in the house. She relaxed when she realized it was another close friend, Jeremiah. The two boys were brothers, Jeremiah being the eldest.

Happy to see her older friend, Kiara quickly ran to hug the young adult, being squeezed back affectionately. She quickly pointed to her bed for him to sit, rushing him so she can show them something on her phone.

Tapping through her Instagram, she grew frustrated when she couldn't find who sent her the screenshot, since she's blocked both of her traitors on every platform. Finally, she retrieved the photo and flipped her camera around for show.



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"Aw hell nah!" She heard, looking at Amir. "This bitch really think she can she can use him for all the money he steals ?!, he began. "He ain't good for nothing but the money anyway all those times he hurt you. And she proud to post that shit! The bitch got some nerve." He continued. Amir was angry, he was hurt for his bestfriend. He was there, maybe not since the fourth grade, but the sixth is where all the drama was starting when Tyrell couldn't just tell the girl how he was feeling.

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