Chapter 2

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"When shall we visit her?" I asked him while we were walking side to side on the hallway, before we parted ways to go home. "After school tomorrow?" I nodded before waving at him to walk home. It felt good to know that I had a friend in my new school.

I went home to re-study my lessons earlier then ate dinner and eventually went to clean myself up. I did my skincare while scrolling through my old photos. I finally found one where me and Seojun were hugging each other. I smiled and kept it in my wallet before finishing my skincare and went to sleep.

I woke up exactly before my alarm and did some stretching before getting ready for school. As I had left my room, I noticed that most of the house lights were off. Maybe my sister was still asleep so I didn't check anymore. I walked to school and saw Han Seojun on the way. He was riding his motor and nearly hit me.

"Idiot! What the fu-" I paused as I realized it was Seojun on the motor. I sighed and held my chest while breathing heavily. "You nearly gave me a heart attack, geez." He laughed. "Why aren't you wearing a helmet?" I asked, tilting my head in worry.

"The new girl stole my helmet," Lim-ju? Ah... That day, she ran off with his helmet.. I chuckled at the thought which made him a little annoyed. We walked in the school together, though.

After homeroom, me and Seojun haven't had the time to chat together until P. E. "You gonna change now?" I asked, looking over to him while keeping my notebook and pen. "Yeah, wanna watch?" His smugness made me push his face away a little while a disgust look was on my face.

"And see your no-muscle arm? No thank you.." I said, rolling my eyes. He dodged my hand again and looked at me for a second, in disbelief of what I said. "That was before, God. I bet I'll make you thirsty when you see me shirtless."

Maybe he was right though... He was.. attractive.

"Lee Ae!" Su-Ah called out, and I saw a ball flying over to me. And after a second, I was out. I sighed and walked over to the side and pulled out my water while watching the other girls play.

Later, I heard that Seojun was out. He was walking when the girls' ball was rolling over to him. When Lim-ju held it with two hands, Seojun stepped on the ball to stop it from making any motion.

I didn't hear much of their conversation but saw Lim-ju trip and land on her face. I stood up immediately at the sight to help her, but Sooho walked over her?! What was the boys' problem with her?

I ran towards her, yelling her name and helping her to stand up. I glared at Seojun and he gave me a 'What-did-i-do? look' on his face.

Soon, P. E. was over and I was walking with Sujin, Suah, and Jukyung to the classroom. We three listened as Suah ranted how her boyfriend forgot their 1000th-day anniversary. I chuckled but also felt bad for her. This is why I don't last in relationships..

When we entered the classroom, a huge surprise was put up for Suah by her boyfriend. Well, he's a keeper.. Later on, everyone was telling them to kiss and I wanted to leave there and then. So I did.

I went to walk on the hallway and saw Seojun and his friends on the way. I pushed Chorong, who was blocking my sight and finally saw Seojun who was looking so braggy and was acting like he was a model of some sort.

I slapped his arm which made him flinch and look at me with wide eyes. "Why did you do that?" He asked while I glance at his shoelaces. "Stop walking like you're a model, and those girls are just hungry about you. Stop right there." I said as I faced him which made him and his friends stop.

"You're just jealous of the girls I notice, aren't you?" His eyes widened when I kneeled in front of him. I started to tie his shoelaces and he also kneeled which made our faces close. I looked at him for a few seconds before looking back at his shoes and tying them.

Suddenly, I heard fast footsteps which made my head turn, but before I knew, I was lying on the floor. Seojun's body was pressed above me and...

His lips were on mine.

His lips were-

on mine?!

I widened my eyes as I saw him on top of me and he also did the same, after a few seconds, which made us realize what position we were still in, he pulled away and sat up, brushing off his uniform before lending me a hand. I stared blankly before taking his hand and standing up.

We both cleared our throats, looking away and his friends snickering around us. 'A pair has been made' Someone said. I pressed my lips in embarrassment.

These lips? Had it's first kiss? And with the Han Seojun?

No way in hell.

No way...

If I wasn't in the school bathroom, I would've screamed already. But... Me and Seojun decided to part ways from his friends and we walked through the hallway to go back to the classroom. An awkward silence filled us..

While walking side to side, we saw Sooho and... Jukyung? Jukyung had something on her face, while the other people in the class were standing behind them. I looked at Seojun, who also had a confused face, but his eyes were glued at the couple walking.

I nudged his arm which made him turn his attention to me. "Do you like her..?" He furrowed his brows at my question. I guess not..

"No, where did you get that? She was the one who stole my helmet after all," I nodded and looked away from him. We remember the past events that happened to us which made the awkwardness rise.

"Sorry," We both said at the same time, turning our heads to look at each other.

I smiled at him and nodded as a sign that it was okay. I just followed him because he went to follow the two. It led me to the girls' bathroom and walked in while the boys were talking to each other.

I was taken aback when I saw Jukyung, without makeup...

"Lim-ju..?" I started, she looked shocked that I was there.

"Uh- Ae... Uhm please... I can explain... please don't tell anyone.." She was stuttering and was clearly scared. Ofcourse I'm not like that. It's not my secret to tell. I gave her a reassuring smile.

"Want me to help you? I have my makeup bag with me" I said. She smiled back and I helped her to cover up, so she would be more comfortable. I patted her head and kept her promise safe. We walked out to the bathroom and I saw Seojun there. Alone.

But Jukyung ran away from him after promising to return the helmet tomorrow.


"She'll keep that promise," I said shortly to him, before we finally walked off.



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