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-I found love where it wasn't supposed to be

Angela decided she wanted out, she didn't want to be around her controlling family and well her little brother was also looking for an out so that he could raise his son.

"Come on Eddie." Angela told her brother. "It's a fresh start, away from this. You can train there to be a firefighter and I'll already be working at a station so I can maybe ask the captain to add you as a bonus."

Eddie sat in the living room of his sister's apartment. "I don't know hermana." He spoke rubbing his hand over his face.

Angela sighed. "Tia Pepa and Abuela are there to watch Chris, plus Miguel since he got his licenses a couple weeks ago. It gives you a fresh start away from this. And me, my little brother."

Eddie sighed. "Fine." He muttered. "But I'll need to find a place."

"Already done." Angela smiled.

Eddie looked at his sister confused.

"By now you should know that I know everything. Which means I knew you would cave." Angela told the brunette beside her. "So you have a house that you're going to make payments on and I have one a couple doors down."

"Where'd you get the money for that?" Eddie questioned even more confused.

"Selling drugs." She joked.

Eddie nodded his head turning his lips down. "I knew it."

"Then why'd you ask?" Angela sassed, walking into her kitchen and grabbing two beers from the fridge.

"How does Miguel feel about the move?" Eddie asked.

"He says he's ready to leave here" Angela answered looking into her beer bottle. "I think we both need fresh start.

"All four of us do." Eddie corrected.

Angela held up her drink. "To a fresh start."

Eddie smiled and tapped his beer with his sister's.

"I won't hesitate to take that ball and chuck it at you." Tim threatened Buck who was throwing a ball at the ceiling.

Buck gave a challenging smirk and threw the red ball at the ceiling again making a thud when it hit the white ceiling.

Tim grabbed the ball right before Buck could and like he threatened, he chucked it at the boy with all strength possible.

"Ow, shit man." Buck groaned after the ball hit his chest.

Timothy Nash, even though he wasn't a firefighter, normally spent his time waiting for a call, at his older brother's station, well that was when he didn't have Athena riding with him.

"He did warn you." Hen commented as she walked past the two men. "It was getting annoying."

"We haven't had a single call." Buck complained. "I'm bored ."

"Then go clean something or read a book." Tim suggested.

"Read a book? Seriously?"

"Yes seriously." Tim crossed his arms and glared at the younger man.

Buck considered not just Bobby as a father figure but also Tim. They both cared for him and both would give advice to him if asked. Bobby wasn't as stern as Tim was, but still they both cared about Buck and would do pretty much anything for the boy.

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