Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

"ARE YOU two ready for your date?" Hen grinned as she questioned her two friends who sat in front of her in the fire engine.

"Dear God," Angela shook her head, running her forefinger and thumb over her eyebrows, "Are we really about to discuss our date while going to help someone?"

"What else is there to talk about?" Buck responded.

"Oh alright," Angela smiled brightly a smile that caused Eddie to shake his head and feel pity for his friend, "let's talk about how you still live in your ex girlfriend's apartment."

Everyone in the fire engine had to stifle their laugh as Buck glared daggers at the older woman.

"She is still my girlfriend," Buck retired, crossing his arms over his chest like a child.

"Yeah," Angela nodded her head as her lips turned down. "And uh when was the last time you heard from her? A month or so ago for what two minutes?"

"That's enough," Buck snapped at the woman in front of him who was grinning from ear to ear.

"But there's so much to talk about!" Angela exclaimed sarcastically, putting her hands over her heart.

"There's no winning arguments, or anything with her," Eddie told his new friend. "I know because it's happened to me on many occasions."

"We're here." Bobby announced to his team who stopped paying attention to the road and where they were going.

"LAFD." Bobby shouted through to the crowed of people who stood just outside of the middle of two buildings watching as a man was stuck in between them."Step back."

"Please help me!" A man's voice begged from in between the two buildings. "Please help me!"

When the 118 stood looking at the emergency they most definitely weren't expecting

"Whoa." Chimney muttered lWhen the 118 stood looking at the emergency they most definitely weren't expecting."Whatever you do, brother, don't suck in that gut."

Bobby ordered his team to go to the different buildings so they could get a better look at the stuck man. Eddie and Hen and were directed to the building on the left where Bobby, Buck, Angela and Chimney went to the roof of the building on the right, staring straight down at George.

"How we doing George?" Bobby questioned the stuck security guard.

"I can't...I can't feel my legs." The man cried an answer. "And I think my ankle's broken."

"George," Angela began as she looked down the building,"do you have any idea how long you've been stuck?"

"I saw the sun come up." He answered again.

Everyone looked at each other realizing how truly bad this scene is.

"He's wedges in there pretty good." Buck voiced to his captain.

"How's your breathing?" Hen asked due to inability to properly check the man's vitals.

George glanced up at the people trying to help him. "I can't really take a deep breath." He responded.

Buck was next to speak to the patient,"Hey, George, can-can- can you show us how high up you can reach? If we can drop you a line, we maybe able to pull you up."

George began slowly lifting his hand up the building.

"Nice and slow, George." Hen instructed as everyone watched him slowly reach his hand up to the sky.

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