Chapter Three

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S2 Ep1- Under Pressure

Chapter Three
Not Microwave Safe

"WHAT am I supposed to do?" Angela asked, taking a sip of her beer.

"Move on." Tim bluntly answered his closest friend.

Angela stated at the man sitting across from her. "Alright I'll move one when you move one from Casey."

"I've moved on." Time scoffed and rolled his eyes.

Angela raised an eyebrow knowing the lie. "Liar."

"I just haven't met the right girl, that's all." Tim half lied. He was waiting for someone who felt right.

"Well I haven't met the right guy." Angela now lied, she just was stuck in the never ending loop of fear that she may lose someone she cared for so deeply.

"Okay, now you're lying." Tim stated tilting bottle towards the women across from him. "You clearly have found some one and his name is Howard Han."

Angela glared at the blonde. "You suck."

Tim laughed at the response he received. "I can't say that I understand why you don't want to walk into another relationship, but I think it'd do you some good to give it a shot."

Angela sighed, leaning her head against the table they where seated at. "Fine." She grumbled. "But you have to move on as well."

"Deal." Tim nodded, holding out his hand.

Angela tool his hand and gave it a firm shake. "Deal."

"MAMÁ?" Miguel questioned his mother as he walked into the kitchen where Angela was preparing breakfast.

"Yes?" Angela responded, placing the freshly cooked eggs onto a plate and handing it to her son so he could get the other foods he wanted.

Miguel took a few deep breaths unsure how to ask or how his mother would react. "How would a women like to be asked out to homecoming?"

Angela turned around with a puzzled look on her face. "Excuse me?"

"Please don't make this a big things." The young man pleaded not wanting this to go out of proportion. "I just want to ask a girl out."

"Yeah," Angela nodded her head. "But first who? Who's the lucky girl?"

"May Grant." Miguel answered scrunching his face, nervous of his mother's reaction.

Angela stared at her son for a brief moment. "Athena Grant's daughter?"

"Yes." Miguel answered simply. "Please just help me ask her to homecoming and not make a big deal out of it."

"Okay," Angela smiled. "This weekend since I'm off I will help you plan out a homecoming proposal just like the way your dad asked me in our senior year."

Miguel's face broke into a smile before he hugged his mother. "Thank you."

"Of course." Angela smiled hugging her son back.

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