Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine
Feelings of the Past

"BOBBY, won't care if he comes to the station for the rest of the day," Angela tried telling her brother who was currently freaking out on what to do with Christopher since everyone he would go to was unavailable.

"What's gonna happen to him when we go on call?" Eddie inquired, snapping at his sister due to his stress.

"First, I'm not the person you should be snapping at," Angela raised her eyebrows in her scolding look that Eddie has been at the end of before. "Second, someone for the team can watch him while we work."

Eddie sighed, running his hand down his face, "I'm sorry,"

Angela placed her hand on her brother's shoulder making him look at her, "let's take him back to the station, everything will work out as it should."

Eddie nodded his head, listening to the woman.

"We come baring company," Angela announced as they arrived back at the station and made their way up the stairs. "So behave yourselves or there will be consequences based on what you like and don't like."

"That's a little much," Buck commented.

"Knowing you," Angela responded, sitting down on the sofa. "It's not."

"Who's our guest?" Hen inquired, closing the fridge she was rummaging through.

"My son," Eddie answered as him and Christopher got to the top of the stairs.

Christopher smiled brightly as he sat next to his aunt who held out her arm for him to join her.

"Well," Angela spoke when no one introduced themselves, "introduce yourselves."

One by one each member introduced themselves and started small talk with the young boy.

"I do this too much?" Chimney asked the boy as he used his hands to mimic talking.

"We all agree," Buck laughed along with everyone else.

"Christopher, I thought we were buddies," chimney began as Christopher laughed and laughed, "what happened?"

"What's this?" Bobby's voice questioned as he joined the group, Angela watched as Eddie's smile faded causing her to place a reassuring hand on his knee. "I don't remember asking the chief for reinforcements. You any food with a hose, kid?"

"I can try," Christopher answered, his smile never falling.

"So sorry, Cap," Eddie apologized while raising to his feet, "my aunts trying to get off work early, but until then, I...I didn't know where to take him."

"Yeah you did," Bobby stated, "right here. Buck and Angela gave me a heads up. I already cleared it with the chief."

Angela gave her brother an 'I told you so' look when he looked at her.

Seconds later the alarms went off, telling the 118 that there was an emergency that needed to be tended to.

As the team was on their way to the scene, they shared conversations with. Christopher, keeping him entertained.

"These are great," chimney tapped the headset that was on his head, "cause we can talk to each other. Though sometimes I wish I had a mute button for Buck."

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