Chapter Seven

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S2Ep3-Help is not coming

Chapter Seven

"THANK GOD you're okay!" Miguel sighed in relief when his little cousin came rushing to him as fast as he could.

"Did you feel the earth quake?" Christopher inquired once Miguel picked him up.

"I sure did." Miguel answered, waving at the teacher who allowed him to take Chris home. "Let's go clean up the houses, okay?"

"Okay!" Christopher smiled, nodding his head.

The car ride back Eddie's house was quiet, Miguel was stressing over his mom's safety and Christopher was looking out of the window seeing the mess the earthquake caused.

"Do you think my dad and Tia are okay?" Christopher finally spoke, breaking the silence.

Miguel looked over to his cousin trying to mask his own fear, "Oh yeah," He answered nodding his head, "they're doing just fine."

NOT WASTING another second, Angela got to work trying to move the mounds of concrete out of the was so she could hopefully fit through and get the hell out.

"Oh, hey," she muttered when a white dog popped through the spot she was able to make. When the dog got into reach, Angela picked it up and read the name on the collar. "Paisley. Well, paisley I'm Angela can you show me the way out of the shit hole?"

When Angela put the small dog down, she a through the small space, leading Angela to what she hope would be freedom.

"Where'd you go paisley?" Angela questioned not seeing the small animal only hearing her barking.

Angela had finally made it to a spot where she could stand and somewhat move around more, of course there was still tons more of debris.

A gasp left Angela's mouth when she finally caught up to paisley "Kat," the brunette quickly rushed to the little girl. "I've been looking for you, hun. Are you hurt?"

"No," Kat answered, "but I fell."

Angela breathed a laugh. "Yeah, I did too."

Angela helped the girl to her feet after giving her the shoe that had fallen off her foot when the quake hit.

"Okay, let's get out of here shall we?" Angela questioned which received an agreeing hum. "Good, now, I have friends coming to come get us but we do need to still try and get out of here on our own, maybe we can get out before they can get to us."

"Okay," Kat muttered, "I want to see my mom and dad."

"Yeah, I wanna see my family too." Angela smiled slightly. She also wanted to do something she had been trying to do for months, but apparently it took nearly being crushed under a building to light a fire under her ass and get her to do it.

"How'd you get here?" Kat asked her new companion.

"Was trying to find you actually," Angela replied helping Kat over a pile of concrete. "One of the aftershocks decided to happen and well a slipped and fell. But good thing it happened or I'd never have found you."

"What's that sound?" Kat asked another question when the faint sound of voices filled the part of the building they were in along with the sound of moving debris and chains.

Angela smiled, relief filling her body as she realized what the noises were. "Our way out." She ruffled the little girls already messy hair.

"Angela?" Chimney's voice echoed after a load thud erupted. "Angela are you there?"

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