Chapter Six

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S2Ep3-Help Is Not Coming

Chapter Six
Trapped in the Past

"ANGELA do you copy?" Bobby questioned over his radio as him and a few others tried moving debris trying to find the missing firefighter. "This is Captain Nash for Angela Diaz, do you copy?

"Cap!" Chimney spoke after trying to find the woman he's been trying to ask out for almost a year "I think I got a visual. There's a pocket, probably four feet. Can't see her though. Angela! Angela, can you hear me!"

"Cap," hen's voice spoke coming back to the group after working with other firefighters to try and get Angela's location. "We've got her location."

Bobby stepped up on some of the ruined concrete holding out his hand for the tablet. "Let me see." He instructed.

Hen handed over the device to her captain, "there's been no movement." She stated.

"Okay," Bobby announced looking down at the tablet showing where his firefighter was. "Looks like she's about three meters deep over there inside that pancakes section of the garage."

Chimney sighed looking back into the small pocket, "if we do this wrong, we risk bringing the rest of this down in top of her."

Both Chimney and Hen were looking at Bobby ready for some sort of plan that would free their friend and not kill her in the process. "So we go slow. But not too slow. She's in there."

"Copy that." Hen nodded joining chimney's side. "We'll find her and then you will ask her out on a date."

Chimney gave a sad smile to his friend for trying to look on the side that they were going to get Angela out from her prison of concrete.

"LADDER 118, respond." Bobby ordered over his radio after a while of moving around concrete and whatever had fallen on top of Angela. "This is Captain Nash, I need a head count."

"Ladder 118 responding," Eddie spoke while was helping a women try and get out of the tilted building. "Eddie Diaz, Buckley, we're good, cap."

"Castillo and Jackson responding." Another group responded.

"Paulson, Marcus and Riley responding."

"Chimney and Hen responding." Chimney added.

Eddie paused his movement of adjusting his gear to go back up the stairwell that was blocked where he and Buck planned on leaving.

"Angela, do you copy?" Bobby questioned when Angela never responded. "Angela?"

Eddie felt his heart sink into his stomach when his older sister never responded to the order. She was missing or worse. Dead.

"This is Captain Nash for Angela Diaz." Bobby spoke again now sounding more panicked and desperate to know if one of his firefighters was still alive. "Do you copy?"

"Is that friend of yours?" Ali asked both Buck and Eddie, noticing their change in mood.

"Let's keep moving." Eddie instructed, ignoring the question while every worse case scenario ran through his head.

"Angela, we talked about this." Weasley spoke to his wife who was moments away from walking out the door to go to work.

"No you mentioned everything that was wrong with my profession of choice." Angela retorted releasing her hold on the doorknob and turning around to face her husband. "Mentioned how I'm not around when I'm her quite often , mentioned how dangerous it is, and how much you hate it when it's actually the reason we met!"

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