Chapter Four

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S2Ep2- 7.1

Chapter four

13 hours before event

"MAMÁ," Miguel groaned.

"Don't Mamá me," Angela sassed. "I'm joining you because I'd like pictures for when she says yes."

"You don't know that's she'll say yes." Miguel answered his grip on the steering wheel tightening.

"She's an idiot if she says no to you." Angela told her son. "Just don't tell Tim I said that because he'll go tell Athena." The women noticed her son's tight grip on the steering wheel. "Do I need to drive? Your knuckles are turning white."

Miguel loosened his grip after realizing that he had a death grip on it. "No, I'm fine. I need to drive, helps with my nerves."

"Okay, but if we wreck..."

"Not helping." Miguel muttered keeping his eyes on the road.

"Lighten up, Mijo." Angela instructed, putting the young boy's shoulder. "There's no way she's going to say no."

When the pair arrived at Grant residence Miguel was sweating uncontrollably, he was getting more and more nervous, thinking she'd hate it and reject him.

"Where's the poster?" Miguel panicked, not seeing it in the back seat where he thought he put it.

"In my hand." Angela stated, holding up the sign that she had made for her son since she had better handwriting.

"Okay, uhhh," Miguel ran his fingers through his hair. "What do I say? What do I do?"

Angela stepped in front of her 17 year old son and fixed his hair. "Just be you, okay? You'll know what to say."

"Okay," the young boy breathed out closing his eyes trying to calm his nerves.

"Okay," Angela smiled, "now stand here and I'll go knock on the door."

Miguel gave a slight nod holding up his sign in his rigjt hand that read I'm no prince but with you be my hoco princess? And red and white roses in his left hand.

Angela quickly made her way to the front door, knocked, and then retreated to the side lines where she could get a video and photographic evidence.

Athena was the one to open the door and she quickly understood what was going on when she recognized Miguel as Angela's son and remembered what Tim had told her during their shift.

Miguel glanced at his mother with a nervous look plastered on his face. In return Angela smiled and gave him a thumbs up.

Within a minute May walked out of her house a shocked expression plastered on her face, her hand coming up to cover her mouth.

"May Grant," Miguel began with a bright smile on his face. "Will you be my homecoming date this year?"

"Yes." May answered matching Miguel's smile and taking the flowers he held out for her to take.

"Told you!" Angela cheered walking up beside Athena.

"You took a video right?" Athena questioned.

"Oh of course." Angela responded. "I'll send it to you."

"We need pictures." Athena announced gesturing the pair to pose together, which they both did. May placed her arm on the young boy's lower back where he placed his over her shoulders. They both smiled, happy that Miguel asked and that May said yes.

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