Chapter Five

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Chapter Five
Under Debris

AS SOON everyone was packed into the fire engine Angela pulled out her phone to try and reach her son, but there was no signal.

"Did you get signal?" Angela questioned her brother who shared her worry expression as they both tried reaching their children.

"No," Eddie answered staring at his phone that wouldn't send a message to the school Christopher was at.

"Is everything ok?" Buck questioned not understanding why Eddie was so worried.

"Yeah. There's no service." Eddie answered not looking up from his phone. "Texts won't even get through."

"Who you trying to get ahold of?" Buck asked.

Eddie looked finally looked up from his phone. "My son." He answered finally, looking back at his phone . "I'm trying to reach my son."

"Whoa, you got a kid?" Buck questioned sounding shocked and almost excited to hear the news.

Eddie began looking through pictures in his phone to show his pride and joy. "Christopher." He stated showing a picture of Christopher happily sitting on Miguel's shoulders. "He's seven."

"And super adorable." Buck responded as he looked at the picture. "I, uh, I love kids."

"I love this one." Eddie muttered causing Angela to place her hand on her brother's forearm. "I'm all he's got."

"That's incorrect." Angela sassed trying to lighten the mood not just for Eddie but for herself. "He has me and Miguel."

"Well yeah," Eddie sighed, "but you know what I mean." The brunette noticed Buck's confused expression. "His mother's not in the picture."

"He's at school?" Buck questioned, looking at Eddie then at Angela who was looking at her phone with the most worried expression he'd seen on her face. "Both of them are at school?"

"Yeah." Eddie answered for the both of them.

"I'm sure they're fine." Buck tried to reassure the Diaz duo.

Eddie nodded while Angela just hummed.

Moments before Earth quake

"Math sucks." Miguel grumbled, slamming his head on his desk.

Him and May where both sat in the back corner of the library getting ready for a math test they had their next class period.

May chuckled at the reaction and patted his back. "You'll be fine." She told the boy. "Now come on we only have thirty minutes left before class starts again."

"We haven't been in school but a couple weeks, why are we testing?" Miguel questioned.

"He wants to see what we remember from last year and if we understood the recap." May answered amused by the boys actions and words.

"I get that it's ridiculous." Miguel retorted looking down a the review sheet.

"Well I'm sorry to say this but suck it up." May spoke before patting the table they were sitting at. "Now come on."

Miguel sighed, sitting up in his seat. "Yes ma'am."

May shook her head reframing from giggling again. "Alright, so fa-"

May was interrupted by the sudden shaking around them. "An earth quake." She stated as books fell around them.

Miguel quickly pulled May down and under a desk and tucked her under him, protecting her from the falling objects.

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