Chapter Two

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S2Ep1 Under Pressure

Chapter Two

"THANKS for this evening." Chimney muttered as Angela walked him out of her aunt's house after chimney came over and had the 12 year old take is submission pictures for the firefighter calendar.

"Of course." Angela smiled. "I think those pictures came out well."

"Yeah," chimney agreed his smile growing. "Your niece did an amazing job."

"Definitely." Angela agreed. "I do hope you win, Buck's way to cocky."

"Like wise." Chimney replied.

Silence filled the air as the duo stood outside. Chimney stood trying to get words to form in his head to ask the women in front of him out in a date.

"W-" chimney started asking only to get interrupted.

"Mamá!" Miguel yelled from the front door. "We need you in here!"

"You are the most incapable people I know!" Angela shouted back before turning her attention to Chimney. "Sorry about that, where you trying to say something?"

"Just for you to have a good night." Chimney lied giving the brunette a small smile.

"You too." Angela responded, watching as chimney walked to his car.

"You where so close." Miguel told his mother when she walked inside. "Stood out there in silence for three minutes, could've asked him."

Angela glared at her son. "You're grounded." She smiled walking away.

"Woah, what?!" Miguel shouted following after the women.

"He has a point." Eddie agreed with his nephew.

"You're grounded too." Angela pointed her finger at her younger brother.

"Can't don't that anymore, Hermana."

"Sure I can." Angela smiled. "I can take all you're electronics from your house."

"What about Christopher?" Eddie inquired.

"I'll take him too."

"No, that's my son, you have your own." Eddie pointed to Miguel who stood with a smile on his face at the interaction.

"Alright, since you're both grounded," Angela started. "You can take my son and I'll take yours."

"I didn't agree to this." Miguel stated.

"Well I didn't agree to get teamed up on." Angela sassed.

Miguel sighed. "We just want you to be happy." He told his mother. "Dad's gone. Has been for five years, and don't say anything about my feelings, because I'm fine."

"He's right," Eddie muttered taking his sister's hand that was rested on the kitchen island. "You deserve to be happy, and he makes you happy."

"I can't." Angela muttered. "I can't lose someone like that again, they never found his body, all they know is that he was abducted."

"Angela," Eddie whispered. "the camera's around that area recorded him getting shot and then driven away."

"I know." Angela mumbled, shutting her eyes. "I can't lose someone I love like that again, and we have a job where you have a higher chance of dying than someone already does. So moral of that is I'm going to focus on my beautiful son and not falling in love with anyone else."

"Mom." Miguel sighed as Angela walked away. "She's never going to move on, is she?"

"I'm not sure kid." Eddie answered. "I'm really not sure."

"THE BOYS are finally getting along." Angela spoke as she came up stairs and to the couch where Chimney and Hen where sitting.

"Apparently being stuck in a ambulance with a bomb is a bonding experience." Hen stated

"Kind of wish I was there." Angela muttered, sitting down next to Chimney who was pulling up something on his laptop. "See the action, but at the same time I think they needed to be in their own for Buck to get over himself."

"Alright," Chimney muttered after he managed to pull up the photos from the other day.

Chimney started flipping through the photos, showing them to Hen. "So what do you think?" He asked after he finished. "I didn't want to overwhelm them with too many choices, so..."

Hen sat beside her friend and hummed before speaking up. "Um, I think that it's, um, a little...overwhelming."

Chimney paused and looked at his photo. "You think it's ridiculous."

"No, no, I mean...Chim, I think the whole thing is ridiculous, I bet Angela agrees."

"Well, I decided not to enter my photos because I know I don't have a shot, but Chim, you might." Angela smiled softly.

"You don't think I have a shot." Chimney stated more to Hen then Angela.

"The pictures are cool." Hen spoke. "I-I just I don't have these answers for you, Chim. I'm not into beefcake calendars."

"I know, I know." Chimney sighed.

"Why is this so important to you?" Hen asked.

"Because growing up, I never saw any heros who looked like me." The man answered.

"I can understand that." Hen admitted.

"I mean, not in TV, not in movies." The brunette explained his reasonings. "We're always the computer geek who hacks into the system for the white hit or evil tong drug lord. Or the guy in the dry cleaners in a fabric softener commercial. I mean, you know, when a kid thinks of a firefighter, do they think of me? Do they think of either of you?"

Yeah," Hen sighed nodding her head. "but I'm not taking my shirt off for that calendar."

"Yeah." Chimney muttered looking back at the photos on his laptop. "You know what? Me either."

Chimney rose to his feet after closing the laptop. "Chim..." Hen mumbled.

"No, I don't know what I was thinking, I can't compete with these guys." Chimney stated walking away from the two women. "Maybe ten years ago. And that's only because they'd be 12."

"I understand his point, but I gave up on entering knew they wouldn't pick a woman and I mean race wise they make pick Eddie." Angela spoke before she too walked away.


Ik this is short chapter I just wanted to publish something quickly, ya know?"

Anyway thanks for reading!

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