1. The red hair and the king

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"Luffy": talk

"Sabo": whisper

"ACE": shout

"Gomu gomu no": the skill's name

'idiot': thinking

<Joyboy>: voice of all things

-Into the story-

"Hey Luffy, what are you trying to do?"

Luffy stood on the ship's figurehead while his hands were holding a knife. Stood in front of him was a young man, who was by the name Red Hair Shanks. When Luffy got back from the cliff and saw Shanks, he almost couldn't hold himself to jump in Shanks' arms and cried. The last time he saw the man was in the Last War. When Mihawk saw the marine had killed Perona, he was so desperate that he let his guard down. The enemy took that chance and went to kill him, but Shanks decided to take the damage instead. Even if the war was over, Mihawk still held the guilt to himself. He always stayed up really late either to have a drink or to cry until he passed out.

To Luffy, the man was his second uncle beside Mihawk. Shanks was the one who had saved his life and inspired Luffy to achieve his dream. When the news about Red Hair's death reached him, it couldn't help Luffy's condition at that time, because he had just lost a few members of his crew under the Blackbeard's hands. He almost couldn't control himself if it was not Zoro who stopped him from doing it, he could have tried to find a way to destroy their headquarters.

"I'm really serious! I'm so pissed! I'm going to prove it to you!"

"Yeah do it! I don't know what you're going to do though"

As first, Luffy wanted to tell Shanks about what happened in his previous life or future, but in the end he couldn't find a way to talk to the man. He kept thinking until some steam came out of his ears and his face went red like a ripped tomato, then he stopped and decided to act like what happened in the past until Luffy had his devil fruit back. Luffy suddenly stabbed his left eye, in the exact place where he had his famous scar. Sometimes he forgot how hurt it felt to be stabbed, so he acted out of nature and screamed on top of his lungs.



His action almost caused the red hair a heartache, but he wasted no time and ordered the doctor of his crew to take a look at Luffy and bandage him up. When they finished, the pirates and Luffy went to Makino's bar to have a drink. And of course, Luffy had to go through Makino's lecture like last time. It would be a lie if he said that he didn't missed the young lady in front of him after such a long time. Makino had always been the one that took care of him since he was a child. She treated him like he was her little brother and Luffy also considered Makino as his older sister. But sister or not, he couldn't stand her lengthy speech about how much he risked his life a few seconds ago. Suddenly, Shanks decided to shout.

"Cheer guys! To Luffy's guts and our great journey!"

Luffy knew they just wanted to have a reason to drink, but he didn't really care. Looking at the pirates who happily took a drink after their voyage brought back some of Luffy's memories about the Strawhats crew. He really missed Sanji's food and Brook's music. Sometimes he also missed the fight between Sanji and Zoro. And now he had a chance to bring them back, he had to make sure that he could protect every single one of them this time.

"Oh, it didn't hurt at all!"

Luffy said, with a few tears in his eyes. The stab was indeed hurt but it wasn't enough to make him cry, the memories of his crew and Shanks were the ones that caused Luffy to tear up. He missed the old times deeply. Then Shanks spoke up.

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