4. New members

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"Luffy": talk

"Sabo": whisper

"ACE": shout

"Gomu gomu no": the skill's name

'idiot': thinking

<Joyboy>: voice of all things

-Into the story-

Law , Luffy and Corazon were on their way to Luffy's hometown. Luffy was suprised to know Law had just returned a few hours ago while he had been there for almost a week.

Seemed like they had really been thrown at different points of time. This got the two of them to think about where the other two would be sent back. They kept discussing their matter and paid Corazon no mind at all. The tall blond couldn't stand being left out of the conservation, so he had to intervene in their discussion.

"Wait! Hold on. Can you two please tell me what is happening? Don't leave me in the dark. At least let me know your brother's name, Law."

This got the two's attention, they then looked at each other. After a few minutes, the younger asked his brother.

"Have you told him?"

"No, didn't have a right time"

"OK, but do you want him to know?"

"It doesn't matter, we are here to change it anyway. Let me tell him."

This time Corazon was really mad. He didn't know what they were talking about, and what was the thing they wanted to tell him. Why did Law hide it from him until now, and why didn't Law tell him about his brother before? He thought everyone from Law's hometown had gone because of the deadly disease, but it was clear that there was still one person who didn't get infected. But despite all that, Corazon waited for their explanation.

"So, Cora-san, I want you to know that all the things I'm going to tell you are true. And you need to stay as calm as you can, OK?"

"I'll try" Corazon replied

"First thing, we are from the future. My name is Trafalgar D. Water Law. I'm 29 years old. I'm the captain of the Heart Pirate and a Yonko"

The blond was shocked by hearing this information. Law's appearance was still a 13-year-old boy, but the look in his eyes said otherwise, it was the look of a man with a lot of experiences from many years on the sea. If it was someone else, he would have said they were crazy, but Law had always been a serious kid. Because of that, Corazon had to believe that the information was true. Then what about the true identity of the straw hat kid? If Law was a Yonko, what about him? Corazon knew the child was crazy and strong enough to have a Sea King as a pet. But there was no way he would say something like he was the new crowded Pirate King, right? He then asked Law.

"Law, what about your brother? Is he also a timetraveler like you?"

"Well, yes. Lu-ya do you want to introduce yourself?"

Luffy then stood up in a proud pose, with a big smile on his face. He started to introduce himself.

"My name is Monkey D. Luffy, I'm 22 years old. Captain of the Strawhat Pirates, I'm also the new crowded Pirate King of the New Era" said Luffy proudly.

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