33. The confession

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"Luffy": talk

"Sabo": whisper

"ACE": shout

"Gomu Gomu no": the skill's name

'idiot': thinking

<Joyboy>: voice of all things

-Into the story-

It had been a few day passed after their encounter with Don Kreig, Luffy and the crew still stayed at the restaurant as they were waiting for Zoro's recovery. When Mihawk had brought Zoro away, Luffy was so angry at himself that he decided to put his anger on Kreig. It was supposed to be a quick fight, but then Luffy changed it by making sure that Kreig would have a slow and painful death. After he had succeeded in immobilizing Kreig, Luffy then slowly torn his enemy's limb apart, while enjoying his agony scream and begging the young captain to stop

The audience who witness the hideous scene was shocked to know a person with a happy-go-lucky mind like Luffy could be this cruel. Especially his crew, but then they figured it was an obvious out come if you face a pirate. In this era it was rather you chose to killed or got yourself killed.

Now, our captain was looking at the sea while sitting on Merry. He had just visited Zoro a while ago, and the swordsman seemed to be fine but his wound still hadn't fully healed yet. Nami had been jumping on fire lately, it could be understood as her island was in great danger if they wouldn't hurry, but she knew that in order to win they needed Zoro to be in his best state, so she waited patiently.

'Lu, don't you think it's time for the crew to know the truth' Loki suddenly spoke up in his mind

"I'm still considering" Luffy replied

'There is nothing to consider, Lu. Beside, didn't uncle also agree that the crew need to know about it soon?'

It was indeed true. Just this morning, Mihawk and Perona decided to set sail again, so they came to him to say goodbye. The Warlord also suggested that Luffy should tell the others about the event soon, because if he did then the young captain wouldn't carry the burden alone.

"I'm not sure, Loki! I'm scared they will be mad at me for not able to protect them" Luffy said with a sad tone

'Come on, brother. You know how much they love you, right? There is no way they will be mad at you'

"But they aren't my old crew, they aren't the same"

'And what the matter with that? Even if they aren't from our timeline, they are still our crewmates. Zoro is still an acolholic, Nami is still a greedy, Usopp is still a liar and Sanji is still obssesed with woman.'

"Nishishishi.....Yeah, that is something I can't argue."

"Who are you talking to?" A voice interrupted their conservation

Luffy quickly turned his head to a new voice which belonged to the young chef. Sanji was standing near the rail which was next to Merry while looking at him confusedly, as he didn't see anyone besides the captain around here, so he was curious who the captain was talking with. Luffy suddenly laughed at him, which caused Sanji to be even more confused.

"Sanji, you are so funny, of course I'm talking to Loki."

"Who the fuck is Loki?" Sanji asked.

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