22. Enter the Navigator

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"Luffy": talk

"Sabo": whisper

"ACE": shout

"Gomu Gomu no": the skill's name

'idiot': thinking

<Joyboy>: voice of all things

-Into the story-

"Ehhhhhhh! So they got married and didn't even bother to invite us?" Luffy asked. 

"Well, those two didn't want it to be published so they only celebrated it with the old man's crew and us." 

"They're so mean, at least let us know so we can send them a gift", Luffy pouted. 

Luffy and Zoro's small ship was sailing on the peaceful sea. Both of them didn't know how to navigate, so they let the wind do the job for them. After a while of talking, Zoro suddenly noticed the black sword on Luffy's waist. The last time Zoro met Luffy, he was sure that the kid was still fighting with his fists or pipe, not a sword. Then how came he had a sword now? 

"Lu, what with the sword on your waist?" Zoro asked. 

"Oh, this?" Luffy said while taking the sword out. 

"It's a gift for you". Luffy then gave the sword to Zoro. 

Zoro slowly took the sword and examined it. He was shocked when he saw its black blade. It reminded him of Yoru, his Ma's precious sword. His Ma used to tell him that the strongest sword was the one with a black blade, and Yoru was one of them. But now this sword also had a black blade, and it belonged to him. Only thought about it, Zoro couldn't help himself from grinning like a kid receiving his present on Christmas. 

"What's this sword's name?" Zoro asked, while his eyes still didn't leave the sword. 

"Shusui, it's a cursed one", Luffy answered. 

Zoro then placed Shusui in the same place with his other three swords after he had done examining it. That was when Luffy noticed Enma, which used to belong to Oden, was also on Zoro's waist. Mihawk must have taken it for him. Enma belonged to Zoro after all, just like Shusui. Suddenly, they heard a growling sound coming from none other than Luffy's stomach. 

"Ahhhhhhhh! I'm so hungry", Luffy said, while lying on the ship with his tongue out of his mouth. 

"Didn't you just eat a while ago?" Zoro said with a sweatdrop on his head. 

"I can't take it, I'm so hungry." Luffy complained. 

Suddenly, they saw a shadow of some kind of bird above them. Zoro didn't seem to care about the bird, but Luffy immediately knew it was the giant bird that took him to Nami. The captain then shot straight up, which made Zoro curious about his action. Looking at Luffy, Zoro finally knew the captain's intention. The idiot was so hungry that he tried to find a way to catch the bird above them. But the thing was Zoro didn't know his captain would end up being the bird's food. 

"AHHHHHH! ZORO HELP ME!" Luffy screamed while his head was held between the bird's beak. 

"THAT IDIOT!" Zoro shouted while sailing at a faster speed to catch up with the bird.

-Orange Town-

A young lady was trying to run away from three other pirates, because she was trying to steal something important to them. Suddenly, someone came crashing down on the ground. They even created a big hole in the pavement. When the smoke was cleared, they could see a young man with a black coat on his shoulder, and a straw hat on top of his hat. The lady immediately recognized him. 

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