39. The fall of Arlong Park (1)

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"Luffy": talk

"Sabo": whisper

"ACE": shout

"Gomu Gomu no": the skill's name

'idiot': thinking

<Joyboy>: voice of all things

-Into the story-

Genzo looked at the figure lying on the white sheet of the bed. Somehow, the young lady reminded him of an old friend, Bellemere. Even though they weren't a family by blood, both of the girls had taken after their adopted mother a lot. They both grew up to be such beautiful ladies. Of course, even their personality was just like their mother, such short-tempered and stubborn girls.

Genzo was smiling as he remembered the trouble their family had brought for him, but his smile quickly vanished when the image of Nojiko being shot right in front of his eyes, just like Bellemere, flashed through his mind. If anything happened to Nojiko, he wouldn't be able to face Bellemere in the afterlife. Luckily, the doctor had already confirmed that her wound wasn't serious, so he shouldn't be worried much. Then, out of nowhere, Genzo saw Nojiko's fingers slightly twitched, and her eyes slowly opened up.

"Nojiko! How are you feeling?!" Genzo asked.

"G-Genzo-san?" Nojiko asked.

All Nojiko could see right now was just some blurred vision, she needed to take time to adjust to the light. As soon as her sight came back to normal, Nojiko suddenly remembered about Nami and those Marines.

"Genzo-san, where is Nami?!" Nojiko asked.

"She said that she would take care of this problem by herself. I'm sorry Nojiko, even though I have tried to stop her, Nami still went on to facing Arlong." Genzo replied.

"If Nami said that, then you don't have to be sorry, Genzo-san" Nojiko said.

At first Genzo thought Nojiko would run straight to Arlong Park to help her sister, after hearing what he said. But right now Nojiko didn't seem to be worried about that matter, as if she knew Nami would be alright.

"You know, Genzo-san! I'm glad that Nami can finally find somewhere she could be herself again". Nojiko smiled.

Genzo was confused, but instead of explaining to him, Nojiko only gave him a smile. Then they heard a ruckus from outside which caught their curiosity, so Genzo decided to go and take a look at what was happening out there.

Outside was everyone in the town, each of them was holding a weapon in their hand, ready to fight for their freedom. Genzo had told them everything after he let the doctor check for Nojiko's wound. Therefore, they all didn't want to leave Nami alone to face those fishmen, they all wanted to give her a hand, wanted to get their freedom back. This was a heartwarming scene for Genzo, as the mayor of this village, seeing the solidarity between everyone was the best thing that could happen to him. However, their mayor, Genzo, refused to let everyone go to their own death.

"What are you all doing?" Genzo scolded.

"Of course we're preparing to go and fight those damn fishes" one of them said.

"That's right! That's right!"

"I know you want to help Nami, but as your mayor, I can't let you just go toward your own death like that" Genzo said.

"Then you said what we should do then?"

As Genzo tried to open his mouth, but nothing came out, he couldn't think of a way to reply. Just then, Nojiko decided to walk out weakly, which caused them to feel worried about her. Genzo also quickly went to her side to support her in case she fell to the ground. As soon as Nojiko was facing everyone, she decided to calm the concerned crowd down.

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