37. Cocoyashi

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"Luffy": talk

"Sabo": whisper

"ACE": shout

"Gomu Gomu no": the skill's name

'idiot': thinking

<Joyboy>: voice of all things

-Into the story-


Luffy, who was lying on Zoro's chest, was joked up by the yelling, and he didn't like it even a bit. The captain then looked around annoyingly searching for the culprit. That was when he saw Nami, who stood at the front door, slowly losing her patience.

"We'll reach the island soon, so you should get up and help the others, not lazing around, dumbass" Nami informed them, then she walked away.

"Thanks for telling us!"

Someone replied, which caused Luffy to jump up again. The captain suddenly blushed when he finally noticed who he was lying on. Looking at their awkward position, Luffy suddenly felt the urge to bury himself alive.

"Did you have a good sleep?" Zoro asked.

"Y-yeah! Thanks Zoro........I g-got to go,...... don't want Nami to be angry", Luffy said, then rushed out of the room like a rocket.

Looking at Luffy's action, somehow Zoro didn't know what got into his captain. But then he decided to brush it off, and went back to the boys' dorm. Both of them didn't seem to notice the trio who had been observing the whole thing outside the deck of the ship. Let's say they were speechless at these two, well except for Usopp, who was trying to hold back his giggles.

"Never knew that mosshead could be so dense" Sanji said, with a cigarette between his lips.

"I could say the same to Luffy, never expect him to have the ability to fall in love, to be honest". Usopp said

"Alright you two, even though I would love to chit-chat about our OTP, but the island is near, so go prepare for docking". Nami commanded

"Hai~, Nami-swan~!" Sanji said lovingly, but minus the weird dance and the heart-eyes

Usopp then had to drag Sanji away, leaving Nami alone on the deck. Looking at the peaceful sea, the navigator never knew she could finally find a way to save her island. After all of this, she was sure that they would be free from those fishmen. Couldn't wait for that moment to happen.

After a few hours, Going Merry finally reached Conami island. However, the navigator decided to instruct them to hide Merry in an unnoticeable cave far away from the enemy's hideout. Then each of them had to wear a cloak in order not to be spotted by those fishmen, and carry along their treasures. Even though it wasn't Luffy's style to be sneaky, he didn't want Nami to be mad or upset, so he had to play along.

After everything was done, she then led them to her house to hide for the time being. On their way there, the crew had noticed the destruction which was caused by those fishmen when they came across a few villages. They then received an explanation from Nami, who said that was the outcome of not paying their taxes, which made the crew feel even more furious. They had sworn to themselves that they would bring hell to those fishmen. All they had to do was wait for Luffy's command.

Soon they all arrived at the small house on the hill which was quite far from Cocoyashi village. Nami then stood in front of the door and knocked on it a few times, until she heard someone say


The door then opened to see a light blue-haired girl with quite tan skin. A few tattoos could also be seen around her body. Usopp had to grab Sanji in order to stop the man from blowing their cover

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