6. The doctor's will

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"Luffy": talk

"Sabo": whisper

"ACE": shout

"Gomu gomu no": the skill's name

'idiot': thinking

<Joyboy>: voice of all things

-Drum island-

A reindeer with a blue nose, which was carrying two baskets of herb on its back, was seen on the cliff of a mountain. It looked at the peaceful sea with a sad look, the reindeer had always wanted to see the outside world. But being called a monster by literally everyone had made it give up that dream long time ago, maybe it was time for the reindeer to go and search for another dream on this winter island. Suddenly, the reindeer smelt a sense, this wasn't the smell of the island's king.

He quickly ran through the forest and stopped in front of the biggest tree, then it went inside. The tree was the hidden place for the reindeer and a doctor. There were a lot of books and medical equipment which was placed everywhere in the room. Suddenly the reindeer spoke up.

"Doctor, there were some strangers approved the island"

This got the old doctor in the room quickly ran outside. The reindeer immediately put down the baskets and kept up with the doctor. When they nearly reached the shore, they could see guards and Dalton were there to prevent the people from coming to the island. But then the doctor said.

"Dalton, please stay back. Most of them are kids, and it seems like one of them was injured. If you don't mind, I want to take a look at the injured one".

Dalton then told his men to stay down and leave when he took a closer look. Most of them were indeed kids while there was an injured adult with a living skeleton and a small polar bear. They didn't see any boat, so they didn't know how can these people come to this island, but they put it aside and paid it no mind. After that, the doctor then went to them and introduced himself.

"Hello, everyone! My name is dr. Hiluluk, and this is my assistant, Chopper." The reindeer was now known by Chopper gave them a small nod.

Then the skeleton in suit took a step forward while shielding all the children in case there was danger. The skeleton started to introduce his group.

"My name is Brook. This blond, who was burning up in my arms, is Corazon. These children, who are hiding behind me, are Shachi, Penguin, Law and Luffy. This polar bear is Bepo. Can you take a look at Corazon-san, he has poison in his system?" Said Brook.

This got Hiluluk and Chopper immediately run toward them, and gave Corazon a quick check up. After a few minutes, they started to move to the doctor's place. Brook then placed Corazon on the bed inside the room. Suddenly, Luffy spoke up

"Doctor, can you take a look at Law, too? He just had his Amber Lead disease been removed. He can also help you with surgery if you need"

Hiluluk then look at Chopper as if he said Chopper would be in charge taking a look at the boy. He himself would also want to take a look at Law, because Amber Lead wasn't some common disease nowadays. Suddenly, Penguin decided to spoke up of curiosity when he saw Chopper was close to them to take Law for check up.

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