10. Meet the crazy family

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"Luffy": talk

"Sabo": whisper

"ACE": shout

"Gomu Gomu no": the skill's name

'idiot': thinking

<Joyboy>: voice of all things

-Dawn island-

"Thanks Isora, you can go to rest now."

<Take care Luffy, call me when you need me, OK?>


Luffy then turned to the group and said, while smiling like a child, he was

"Come on guys, let's go to Makino. I'll lead the way."

The group had just arrived for a few minutes. They had thought about where they would stay once they arrived, so Luffy suggested that they build a small wooden house on Mount Corvo. The location was far away from the village so no one could find them, and the mountain also had a lot of wild animals so they wouldn't be starved. But now Luffy needed to see Makino or else his big sister was going to be so mad at him for leaving so long. The group then followed Luffy to a small bar. Corazon was worried about Luffy to living in a bar like that, but it quickly dimissed when saw two people inside the bar. The one who stood at the counter had a dark green hair and a gentle smile, the other one was an old man who was wearing a white cape with the word 'Justice' on it. Luffy didn't mind the old man, so he just greeted Makino.
"Makino, I'm back! Can I have some meat?"

"Welcome back, Luffy!"

Suddenly, Luffy was frozen in his place and sweating like bullets when the old man turned around. Corazon had guessed that man would be the Hero Marine, Monkey D. Garp, and he was right. But why did Luffy seem so scared to meet one of his family members? That was also a question inside the others' heads. Then Garp spoke up.

"Looks like you had such a great adventure when I'm not here, Luffy."

"G-gramps, why are you here?" Luffy asked, even though he himself had already known why the old marine was here for

"Who told you could leave the island, Luffy? Fist of love", Garp said while punching Luffy on the head.

"ITEEEEE....!" Luffy fell back and held his bump on his head.

The interaction between grandfather and grandson had made the other people inside the room sweatdrop at the scene. Then Corazon realized that Luffy was a rubber man, so Garp just used Haki on his own grandson. The blond was scared. He was right about this family being all monsters, but he didn't know they could be this brutal to each other. Then he saw Luffy was arguing with Garp about being a Pirate and not a Marine. Suddenly both the grandson and grandfather fell asleep in their place.

'So that sickness runs in the family', a thought of many people who were so tired of these two

Then Garp woke up and saw Luffy was still sleeping in front of him which made him angry. Garp then raised his hand and gave Luffy another 'Fist of Love' while scolding the child. Screams could be heard around the bar, but the people around didn't seem to care about it. After a while, Luffy then stood up with all the bumps on his head, smoke could be seen coming from his bumps. Luffy suddenly had an idea, so he said

"Gramps, I've decided I won't be a pirate."

"So you have finally decided to join the Marine, huh?"

This made Garp happy, he thought Luffy would join the Marine after all his lectures. But...

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