Chapter 14

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Your POV

It's been 3 months since I've became pregnant. Let me tell you this, its the worse three months ever! My ankles are swollen, I'm throwing up, and I'm yelling at poor Ian for nothing. I'd rather be on my period than have this. Yeah I know you're probably thinking "Why aren't you happy?" I am, but this is like sucking life out of it.

Ian: That's not the only thing you suck hehe

Me: Go feed the freaking kid!

Ian: Not with that attitude!

Me: I will sacrifice your soul to the devil and he will give me a lifetime supply of potato chips!

Ian:'ll just feed kid

Me: Thank you babe I love you

I walk to the fridge grabbing anything. Ugh I think we gotta see the doctor. So I made the appointment today with Ian.

Ian: We'll leave in an hour

He said giving me a peck on my lips.

Me: Okay

I sat down in the living room watching tv and Ian takes a snapchat video

Ian: and here we have a pregnant lady in her natural habitat

Me: This pregnant lady will flush that phone down the toilet.

He ends it and posts the video on. Finishing my meal, I got ready to go.

We arrived to the hospital and I met Doctor. Nakazawa and she had the items prepared. She placed a cold jelly on my bare belly and then the sensor on it. She looked around for it and she gasped.

Me: Whats wrong?!

Dr.N: Nothing! But you're having twins!

Ian: Twins...

Me: Oh my potato Jesus...

Dr.N: One boy one girl

Ian: Ryan and ____...

Me: Wow...

Leaving there in shock...Ian just bounced up and down.

Me: Stop it, I'm still shocked!

Ian stopped and kissed me saying "This is what I've always wanted, the perfect family, with the most perfect girl in the world". He then placed a kiss on my lips and pulled in for the longest hug ever. We then cuddle on the couch watching whatever was on tv.

Me: We do make one happy family...

I was waiting for Ian to respond but I guess he was dead asleep. Well that's going to be great! So...where's the food?

A/n: Sorry it's short. I woke up from a nap. Didn't know what to do. So I took this out.

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