Chapter 21

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A/N Hey guys I'm back. Hope you guys missed me.

Your POV
Next week:

It's hard to think that I still like Ian. I think I do. Do I? Ugh I don't know. I love him. But I'm with Ryder. This is so hard. I'm gonna stop by. I got ready and told my mom to watch the kids for a bit. I grabbed my keys and went to my car. Then Ryder caught me into a hug.

"Hey cutie" he said giving me a kiss. "Hey" "Where you off to?" "I don't know. Just need to go out for a bit." "Can I come?" "Don't you have work?" "Damn. Well, let me know how you day is later" "Will do" he kissed me and scurried off to the other to his house and I went into my car and saw Ryder with a girl hugging and making faces with each other. I reversed and just stared. Then I saw the girl then she saw me. Then Ryder saw me. Then he started to run to my car but I drove off. Man...guys are douches aren't they (A/N: SERIOUSLY THOUGH! Aren't they?! Sorry...breakup recently...guys are hard to understand) I drove off to Ian's and I still had the keys so I unlocked the door and he was making pancakes and bacon for himself.

"What are you doing here? And why do you look you're gonna cry?" I just sat on the couch shaking and sobbing. "Here eat that. You deserve it" he said making himself another batch. He came back and looked at me. "What's wrong" he has those puppy eyes that I loved so much "He was with a girl" "Oh" my phone rang and I picked it up "___ ____ ___ baby I'm so sorry! You shouldn't have saw that!" "GOODBYE LOSER" I yelled into the phone. Ian looked at me with a smile. He placed a kiss on my lips and hugged me. "Missed you and your fire" "I know you did. I was visiting you anyways" he had the purest smile on his face. "It's good to have you back." "I don't plan on leaving" "I love you" "I love you too Ian but let's just take it slow.

Take it slow. Did I just say that?

Ian's smile turned to a straight face "I'm cool with that" "You sure?" "Positive" "Alright"

Was this the right choice? Ugh love is confusing isn't it?

A/N: So I'm back. Got my friendship healed. But at the same time I had my heartbroken. But it's good to be writing again. Sorry it's short.

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