Chapter 17

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Your POV

I've been working my ass off trying to buy the things for Ryan and ____. It's been hard. I mean I could start a YouTube channel, I'd probably get some cash if YouTube wants to pay me. Ugh like that would worked. At least Smosh fans knew where I worked so business was booming. Fans would say hi and have some ramen. I'd talk to them and have quite a conversation. I love the fans. Even though Ian and I were married, they love me more than the slut that he's dating.

The day ended and I was cleaning tables. A familiar face walked in. It was Anthony.

Anthony: Hey ____!

Me: Anthony? What are you doing here?

Anthony: Just visiting.

Me: Well that's really kind of you. Where's Kalel?

Anthony: Um

Me: Oh

Anthony: Yeah. But this other girl I met makes me happier.

Me: Well that's nice

Anthony: how about you

Me: Haven't really met anyone

Anthony: Do you want to grab some coffee with me and her?

Me: I'm sorry I can't. I'm a mom now. I have no time to hang. But I'll let you know if I do.

Anthony: Aw okay. Well I gotta get going. Bye.

Me: Bye.

He walked out and went to his car. He drove away and I closed the shop. I walked upstairs and relaxed on the couch.

Mom: Why don't you go out with your friends? I'll watch the kids

Me: I don't know who

Mom: Mari?

Me:I'll check.

I grabbed my phone and dialed Mari's number.

Mari: Hey ___! What's up?

Me: Hey, I was wondering if we could hang today?

Mari: Sure! Peter is coming along.

Me: That's fine.

Mari: Meet up at the park across your house?

Me: Sure.

I quickly washed up and wore fresh clothes and makeup. I blow dried my hair and straightened it. I walked out and waited for Mari and Peter. I sat on the park bench and waited for them.

I saw this guy who caught my attention. He had messy brown hair, gauges, and geeky glasses. He also had some really cool tattoos. He walked up to me and asked "Can I sit here?" "Go ahead" "Thanks". I smiled at him which made him smile back.

Guy: I'm Ryder

Me: I'm ____

Ryder: Cute name. Just like you.

"Pfft stop" I said blushing.

Ryder: I'm just being honest with you.

Me: If you're trying to flirt with me, I'm a single mom with twins.

Ryder: It's fine. I love kids.

Me: Well you're welcome to hang with me and my friends.

Ryder: Swings?

Me: Aren't we a bit old for that?

Ryder: Come on.

Me: Fine

He grabbed my hand and we went to the swings. I sat down on one and so did he. We swung and chatted until Mari and Peter came.

Mari: Hey ___, who's your friend?

Me: This is Ryder, I actually met him today.

"Yeah she did. She seems like a nice person" he said wrapping an arm around my waist. I blushed instantly.

Mari: Well we're going out for dinner first and then the Smosh headquarters to play some games.

Ryder: Sounds fun.

I nodded as we went to some really cool Japanese restaurant. I tired my best not to stuff food like I'd usually do. After we eating Ryder insisted on paying.

"You don't need to Ryder" I said "But I want to." He pouted at me. "Okay." He smiled and paid for all of our meals. We left and headed to the Smosh HQ we went to the Smosh games area and we played the classics like Mario party...all of them, not complaining, we played Rockband, FNAF's, Garry's Mod Prop Hunt. Ryder seemed to be enjoying this a lot. I guess we have things in common. I hope we have the same taste in music....Panic...Beebo...too bad he's taken. Ryder's cute and he seems sweet. I think I like him but it's too soon.

Mari dropped me and Ryder off at me place and him and I were standing just standing there.

"Today was fun _____" "It was my pleasure." "We should do this again. As in a date perhaps?" "I'd like that" "I'm looking forward to meeting your kids" "Well you can meet them anytime you want. Except now. They're sleeping. Just text me" he gave me his phone and I gave him mine. We returned our phones after putting in our numbers and spoke again. "I'll pick you up this weekend?" "Alright. Want me to drop you off?" "Nah I'm right down the street, it's the giant apartment building" "Oh alright" he smiled at me and opened his arms for a hug. "Bye ____" "Bye Ryder"

A/N: Expect fewer updates. I got a job and school started so it's gonna be hard. But I'll try my best to update it. Hope you guys understand

A/N: 6/13/16- I changed the new guys name to Ryder since it's confusing everyone.

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