Chapter 15

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Your POV

9 Months later

My stomach became extremely huge, due to the fact I'm having twins...but yay! I finally get to have kids with my man of my dreams. To be honest, this entire things feels like a dream.

I get out of bed and walk passed the mirror and went back to the mirror and looked at myself "OH MY FUCKING GOD, I'M A FUCKING WHALE!!" I screamed. By the way, I tend to get moody... Ian came to the room looking at me. "WHAT THE FUCK YOU LOOK AT?! YES YOU'RE MARRIED TO A WHALE!" I screamed again.

Ian: Calm down my love, it's just your mood swings.

I did as told which helped me calmed down.

Ian: Do you want me to get you anything?

Me: I could go for some _______ (food).

He smiled and said "Alright, I'll buy some groceries to make it for us"

Me: Ooooo Ian Hecox cooking for me

Ian: Only for you.

He kissed me and went to the store. I went to the living room and laid on the sofa reading books on my phone. Can pregnant girls work out? I asked myself. I googled it and I can do some yoga. Yoga it is then. I get a mat out and streamed my phone to the tv and played the routine. It went smoothly until Ian came back looking puzzled.

Ian: What are you doing?

Me: Yoga

Ian: Since when did you start doing yoga?

Me: Since 30 minutes ago.

Ian: Can I feel your tummy?

Me: Sure babe

I stopped the program and stood up for Ian to touch my stomach. He felt the twins kick in there and he looked at me and smiled.

Ian: Ryan's getting a bowl too.

Me: No no...only you can work it.

Ian tried to flip his hair saying "I know right. I'm just to fab."

Me: Want me to help you cook?

Ian: No, you've been working yourself a lot with those two. I'll make them for you.

I sat in the living room watching My Haunted House, which made me scream my ass off. Ian just laughed at me while I stuck my tongue out.  30 minutes later. Food was done and he called me to the dining room.

Me: Ooooo that looks yummy.

Ian: It's better when you eat it.

I sat down and took a bite. And he was right, this was really good!

Me: Ian! This thing is amazing! My compliments to the chef.

Ian: Why thank you. I always try my best for milady.

We finished our dinner, washed up and head to bed. Now I'm having stomach pains...Ian...cook your food right...


Next Morning

My stomach was definitely in pain....uh oh...they're coming. I shook Ian awake and he smiled.

Me: Ian. The. Kids. Are. Coming.

That happy face turned into a panic, he got up got ready. Took his keys and stuff and brought me to the car.

Ian: This is really happening is it?


We drove to the hospital and I got wheeled chaired to my room. A woman named Dr.Green came in. Thank god it's a girl.

Me: Thank god you're a woman. I would feel uncomfortable if you were a man

Dr.Green: I know the feeling dear. Now I'm just gonna look through your gown to see how it's going. seems that you'll have another hour. We'll be back by then.

I nodded and that's when my mom came, along with Ian's parents. My mom smiled at me and hugged me while crying.

Me: Why are you crying?

Mom: My baby girl's having twins. I'm turning into a grandma

It's been an hour and the doctor came back.

Dr. Green: Okay honey, it's time. I'm gonna need you to push.

Ian stood next to me holding my hand.

Ian: You can do this babe.

Dr. Green: 1,2,3 Push!

I screamed as I pushed. Feel the pain but miracle of child birth. This kept going until the first one came out.

Dr. Green: This one's a girl!

Me: _____(baby's name)

Ian: Now we have Ryan to take care of.

We kept pushing until Ryan came out. I was exhausted. They cleaned them up and gave me ____ and Ian, Ryan.

Me: They're beautiful.

Ian: Just like you.

Me: Like you too.

Anthony came in soon after with his new girlfriend ( I don't know her name). Mari and the rest of Smosh Games entered.

Mari: ___! Can I hold ____?

Me: Yeah

I handed her to Mari and she smiled.

Mari: She has your eye color and facial features. And she definitely has Ian's forehead.

Ian: Is my forehead really that unique?

Me: Yeah. Let me see Ryan

I look at Ryan and he looked at lot like Ian. But let's wait until they grow out their baby faces.

Ah...this was the beginning of a new chapter.

(No literally, another chapter later on)

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