Chapter 18

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Ian's POV

So Anna and I are dating. It's been great so far. I mean I've been dating for a month. I know I sound like an idiot info for cheating on ____ but I'm just a picky guy. I was walking around the park by myself and I saw ____ with a guy with tattoos and gauges. Oh great. Her favorite type of guy. She seemed to be enjoying herself. It kinda made me jealous... I don't like seeing her with another guy....wait Ian what are you saying? You completely got bored of her. I don't think so. Why are you talking to yourself? Shush! You're my brain! So you like her? Yeah...wait no. I still love her. Wait for the right time bro. My brain is a pretty cool guy.

Your POV

Ryder and I have been nonstop texting each other and he got sad when I was heading to bed. I told him I'd text him when I woke up so I did. He said "Morning beautiful" which made me blush then another text from Ian..."Hey" was the message but I left him on seen. I got my day ready and went downstairs to the restaurant. I texted Ryder to come for some breakfast. He walked in a few minutes. "Hey" he said hugging me. "Hi" "Just give me your best" "Alright. It'll be out soon" he nodded and I started punching the order in. Not literally but you know what I mean. I sat at the table with him and he started flirting so I flirted back. Then people came in and I had to serve them. I put on my best smile and served them. Ryder got his meal and ate, giving a thumbs up to me. He left after finishing so I cleaned the area up. Today was pretty busy, more than usual. I tried my best and everyone left after closing time. Then he came in.

Me: What do you want?

Ian: I just wanted to catch up

Me: Sure as I say sarcastically.

Ian: I know that already

Me: I don't want to.

Then I saw Ryder walk in

Ryder: Hey who's this?

Ian: A fr-

Me: My ex-husband who should leave.

Ian: I'm not leaving

Ryder: If she doesn't want you here then she doesn't want you here. So go.

Ian:Who the hell do you think you are?

Me: Someone better than you

And BAM a stinging feeling hit my face, Ian fucking slapped me

Me: Why the-

And another one. I look at Ryder. He looked shock and I was about to cry

Ian: I am so sorry ___!!!


Ian walked out with his head down and Ryder pulled me in for a long but needed hug.

Dramatic chapter end. Sorry that it's a bit short I just had an idea. 😐

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