Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Your POV

Oh my god, Ian and I are going on an actual first date I wonder where though.

You: Where are we going?
Ian: It's a surprise

You: But I don't like surprises like how I hate cliff hangers.

Ian: Well suck it up. It's only a few minutes until we leave. Come on lets go wash up and change.

You went to the bathroom with Ian to take a quick shower. You both got out and changed clothes. You both were matching. You both were wearing jeans and a blue plaid shirt. You both looked at each other.

You: Oh...we're that type of couple now?

Ian:'s cute though

You: It is.

Ian: So lets go.

You walked out the house and Ian being the gentleman by opening the door for you. He then gets to his side and starts to drive you to the surprise. It was getting dark and you saw carnival lights and rides.

Ian: Surprise.

You: No're the best boyfriend ever!!

Ian gets out the car and opens the door for you.

“Here you go my lady.” Ian said in really poor British accent.

You: Thumbs down.

Ian: No thumbs up.

You: No

Ian: Yes if you say no we're leaving.

You: N-fine.

Ian: Come on

He gives you a hand you both walked around the carnival look for some games and Ian wanted to try the dart game.

Ian: I'm gonna try to win you the giant Pikachu.

Me: Aw...

Ian was given three dart and one of them had to be in the middle. He missed the two others but then he was aiming precisely. He finally got it in the middle and you were cheering. He gets the giant Pikachu.

Ian: Here for you.

He gives you the Pikachu and you kept hugging it so much.

Ian: Where do you wanna go on now?

You: I don't know

“How about that?” Ian said as he points at a Ferris Wheel your eyes widened. Nope I ain't going on that. You thought.

You: Do we really need to?

Ian: Yes we need to.

You: Can the Pikachu come?
Ian: Yes the Pikachu can come.

You: Yay!!

Ian brings you to Ferris Wheel and gives the ride operator the tickets. The Ferris Wheel was huge. You always had this fear of heights and you freaking out.

You: I thought the Pikachu would help!!

Ian: Come here.

You go closer to Ian and we comforts you. It was quiet chilly out.

“It's really chilly out,” you said rubbing your arms. “Take my jacket.” Ian said handing you his jacket.

You: You sure?

Ian: I'm fine.

You put on his jacket and it was big on you. You put your head on his shoulders and he brings you closer. The ride was descending and you were calmer.

You: It's over now!

Ian: It wasn't bad right?

You: Maybe.

You guys went on more rides and got some food.

You: Ian really? Steak and Cheese?
Ian: What it's good though.

You: I'll get the same thing then.

Ian: Alright. Go save us a spot at that table over there.

You: Okay

You walk over to the table cuddling with the Pikachu. Then you saw a clown

“Oh shit,” you whispered. You looked away and went on your phone and playing some annoying Flappy Bird. In the reflection of the phone you saw the clown holding a bottle of seltzer. He's sprays you and runs off. You were pissed off on the inside but you acted calm. At least it wasn't on your phone. Ian comes back with a confused expression on his face.

Ian: What happened?
You: Clowns, bottle of seltzer, and sprayed me. Now I'm wet. I hate clowns and I'm afraid of them.

Ian: Remind me to never come back here. How about an amusement park instead in the future?
You: Yeah that would be better.

Ian: Anyways here's your food.

Ian gave you steak and cheese with fries, Ian had onion rings so you switched the plates.

Ian: Hey!

You: I'm not a fan of fries.

Ian: Well...fine.

Ian takes a fries and tries to feed you one.

You: Ian no.

Ian: Come on try one.

You: No.

Ian: Please for me?
You: Fine.

He kisses you the cheek and feeds you a fry. You guys ate you dinner and headed back to the car.

You: Ian, tonight was awesome! Best first date!

Ian: I knew you would enjoy it.

It got quiet and you stared at Ian. He stared at you back and leaned in, You leaned in as well and you guys had a passionate kiss. After the kiss was over, Ian drove you home.

Ian: Well, will I see you tomorrow?

You: That's a yes.

Ian: Alright, nite babe.

You: Night.

You gave him a quick kiss and got out the car. You walked to your door and Ian waved. You waved back and you drove off. You unlocked the door finding your mom watching some TV

Mom: How was your day?
You: Perfect! I had the best first date with Ian.

Mom: Well good for you. Well I'm gonna go to bed.

You: Me too.

You headed toward room and changed your clothes. After you changed your clothes you gotta text from Ian.

Ian: Oh I forgot tell you something.

You: What?
Ian: I love you.

You: I love you too.

You then fell asleep after your best date ever. Oh shit you forgot give Ian's coat back.

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