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Your POV

Doctor: Ms.____ You can wake up now

Me: He's gone?

He nods.

Me: It's time to start a new life.

I took the bus back to mom's to surprise her. She opened the door in shock.

Mom:'re alive???

Me: I am.

Mom: But your kids!

Me: I know...but it's best for them. I don't think that I'm good enough for them. They have Ian. They only need Ian. He has the money and if it were just me, I wouldn't have the money to support them let alone support myself.

Mom: What did the doctors say?

Me: They didn't declare me dead. I'm still me. No new identity.

Mom: I think a new identity would suit you. It wouldn't raise attention. Contact the hospital immediately.

I did as told and talked to the doctor for a couple of hours. After talking he told me he'd make fake ashes, write me as deceased. Then he'd have to make a new birth certificate and then I have to go to city hall and get all new documents as a new person.

Me: Mom, I know who I am now.

Mom: Who are you?

Me: I'm (New name)

A/N: I've had this saved in like ever! I just waited and waited and boom! Shocker twist! Stay tuned for book two!!!!

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