Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: The Trip I Won't Forget.

Your POV:

1 month later:

The day after Thanksgiving Ian and I headed to the airport with Mari, Kalel and Anthony, who were also going along with us to Japan, England, and France.

We all scurried to the plane and sat in our seats. I took my Macbook Pro since the plane ride was 13 hours long. I'm so glad this plane had an outlet for a charger and WIFI.

I watched random YouTube videos with Ian. Anthony and Kalel were dead can they do that? Ian and I had to keep quiet so we don't disturb fellow passengers so we had to cover our mouths.

Next thing you know Ian was asleep on my shoulder letting out his cute little snores. I wake him up because it was so difficult to sleep on a plane.

Me: Hey, how can you sleep on a plane?

Ian: Me and those three are use to it.

Me: But...but I'm so lonely when you're asleep.

He lifted the arm rest that separated me and him, he moved me a bit closer and put his arm around me.

Ian: Just close your eyes, and don't think about anything.

I did as told and I passed out in 30 minutes. I don't know how long I was out but we finally made it to Japan. We got our luggage. We all followed Mari since she's our translator.

Mari: Okay so Tokyo Hotel is three blocks from here.

Me: But we'll lose you in the crowd!

Ian and I started laughing.

Mari: Shut up you two.

Ian grabbed my hand just in case and followed Mari to the hotel. We kept walking and walking until Mari stopped.

Me: Why'd we stop?

Mari: Food...

Me: Where?!

Mari pulled the three of us to the restaurant. A ramen shop.

Me: Noodles? Really?

Ian: Come on babe, it's food.

Me: Fine...I'm sorry, I'm just tired.

Mari ordered our noodle bowls and told us to sat in the window seats. Mari went to make a call to Peter so me and Ian had some free time. Ian held mine hand and rubbed his thumb against a mine. I let out a little giggle and I look at his adorable blue eyes.

Ian: Hey babe...

Me: Hey...

Ian: You tired?

Me: Yeah but I could manage staying up.

I rubbed my arms because I was is so freaking freezing in Japan.

Ian: Awe you're cold.

He unzips his jackets and wraps it around me.

Me: But Ian, you're gonna be cold!

Ian: I'd rather have myself freeze than my beautiful girlfriend.

He kissed my forehead and Mari came back.

Mari: It's cold...but I asked if I can close the front door.

I feel a gush of hot air blowing on the side of my head.

Me: Oh my God that feels good.

Ian: Can I have my jacket?

Me: Noooooo it smells like you!!

Ian: But I'm right here...sit closer then.

I take off his jacket and scooted myself towards Ian. Our meals came in a take out bag and we went to the hotel.

I ran inside the hotel to embrace the heat. There were a lot of Japanese people...yay I just embarrassed myself in a foreign country. Check that off the bucket list. Ian came in a second after and I looked at him with my face red.

Ian: What?

Me: I just embarrassed myself in a foreign country...

Ian: Did you really?

Me: Yeah...lets go check in.

Fortunately, the workers here spoke English so that was easy. We got toot amazing hotel room and Mari got herself her own hotel room, so Ian and I had the room to ourselves. I quickly change info pajamas and turned on the tv....English captioning? Yep there it is. I chow down my noodles and my body was so warm. I crashed to the bed and Ian slid right next to me.

Ian: Hey there beautiful

He had a camera in his this a prank?

Ian: Come on, sit up.

Me: Why...

Ian: Because...

He sat next to me and looked at me.

Ian: When I met you, you were just some noodle shop worker, but now. I'm happy to say that you make me happy and thy you complete me...________ will you marry me?

He pulls out a box and opens it. It revealed a beautiful diamond ring. YES I WILL!!! HE MAKES MY LIFE WHOLE AND I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!!

Me: Ian...I will marry you!

I started crying as he placed the ring in my finger. He kisses me with a smile on his face. He ends the video and I went to has only been hours but this is the best trip ever...

A/N: Sorry! I had issues with people that I totally forgot! But I updated!

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