Chapter 19

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Ian's POV

I um....just kinda fucked up...NO FUCKING SHIT. Shut up brain! God I need help...she didn't need that from I won't get her back ___ I'm so sorry....I finally got back home and Anna was making dinner. She kissed me and I smiled. I like Anna. No I love her. She makes me feel happy. Especially of what just happened. Fuck ____ I got this girl right here.

Your POV

I was in Ryder's arms and he was hugging me.

Ryder: No crying. I hate seeing you like this

Me: I'm sorry...

Ryder: Don't be. It's his fault. I'm going to kill him.

Me: Don't. You'll make it worse.

He looked at me and nodded "Okay I won't" he kissed me on the lips and my cheeks started to burn.

Ryder: I'm sorry! I didn't mean for that to happen!

Me: It's okay. It made me feel better.

"Oh okay" he smiled and kissed me again. I was probably smiling like an idiot. He pinched my cheeks and helped me close the restaurant.

Ryder: Wanna go to your room and have Netflix and chill?


He started laughing and said "No not that type of chill. Just watching a movie" then he grabbed my hands and stared swinging my arms "and have some candies and cuddling" he continued "I can give you nice little kisses here and there". I blushed and he smiles. "Okay. Let's go". I shut everything down and brought him up. I told him to wait for a bit as I washed up. I blow dry my hair and slipped on a Pikachu onesie. I'm so glad the kids are asleep... I walk out and he looks at me wide eyed.

Ryder: Oh. My. God. You're so cuteeeeee

Me: Shhhhhh. Come on let's go.

I grabbed the candies from our dedicated candy cabinet and shoved him into my room. I put my PlayStation on to Netflix and he picked the movie. We watched Scary Movie 1-5 all night and he did what he said, he cuddled me, gave me kisses and ate candy. We stayed up till 2 am and I look at him. He was drowsy.

Me: We have to go to bed, you can stay the night of course.

"I know. Goodnight" he said kissing me on the lips then pulled me in closer for a cuddle. We dozed off and just slept.

Sorry I haven't been updating a lot. I have a job and so much school work. It's a hassle to do all those things.

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