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- Pilot

Ellie, Brooke, Peyton, Nathan and Tim were sat in the library, the three girls were talking and laughing together not noticing Lucas who was sat across the room staring intensely at the smaller blonde who was writing in her notebook listing to mus...

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Ellie, Brooke, Peyton, Nathan and Tim were sat in the library, the three girls were talking and laughing together not noticing Lucas who was sat across the room staring intensely at the smaller blonde who was writing in her notebook listing to music with Brooke while Peyton was drawing in her notebook when she looked up when she felt somebody's eyes on them.

Peyton frowned with an confused look on her face as she stared at Lucas before turning her attention to her blonde friend rolling her eyes at the sight at it seems he was infatuated with Ellie even if she didn't notice as she was oblivious to the looks she would receive from him. she only really saw him as a friend since his mom and uncle help out with Mia when Liam father is busy at work and can't take her.

"Scott!" Coach Durham called out walking into the library causing both Nathan and Lucas to look up only for the raven haired boy to speak up assuming that it was him that the coach wanting to speak to and questioned, " What's up Coach?" Coach Durham shook his head pointing towards Lucas who was sitting on the table behind them, " Not you. You"

Nathan turned around in his chair to see Lucas sitting behind him who had an equally confused look on his face on why Coach Durham wanting to speak to him. Ellie raised her brows with a curious look on her face resting her arms on the table as she watched Lucas stand up following after the coach, " you, read a book or something" Coach Durham said staring at Nathan before leaving the library with Lucas.

Ellie giggled leaning back in her chair sending an amused grin to Nathan who had a look of annoyance on his face, " shut up!" He growled but she just raised her hands in the air in mock surrender and replied, " I didn't say anything" Nathan rolled his eyes once again at the Moore girl ignoring Peyton and Brooke who was snickering at the two of them, " I know, but you were going to. So, just don't"


After school had finished, Ellie was on her way home when her car suddenly broke down causing her to groan in annoyance as smoke was coming out of the hood as she opened it causing her to wave the smoke out of her face knowing she would have to call Brooke to pick up Maya from John's house and also call a tow truck to fix her car.

It didn't take long until the tow truck arrived but was a little surprised to see Lucas as she knew he helped Keith but he normally always down at the river court, Ellie greeted the boy but apart from that she was quiet as she watched him hook her car to the tow truck as she held her notebook to her chest, " that's me inside your head" Lucas called out startling the blonde causing her to frown in confusion as she stared at him, " What?"

" NOFX, that's me inside your head" the blonde looked down at the sticker on her notebook that Peyton had put there before looking up at him with her brows raised, " it's the lyrics from..." he trailed off only for Ellie to cut him off pushing her hair out of her face, " I know the song" Ellie then pulled out her phone from her pocket to call Nathan to pick her up, " Hey, Nathan. It's me. All right, Listen my car broke down. You're gonna have to pick me up"

𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐌𝐄 - 𝐋𝐔𝐂𝐀𝐒 𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐓𝐓Where stories live. Discover now