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- All That You Can't Leave Behind

Ellie, Peyton and Brooke was standing on the side lines in school gym, starting cheerleading practice as the basketball players were on the other side of the gym

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Ellie, Peyton and Brooke was standing on the side lines in school gym, starting cheerleading practice as the basketball players were on the other side of the gym. Elizabeth and Brooke had showed the girls the cheer routine they had made up and the brunette was watching the girls formate walking up and down when she stopped in front of Elizabeth and Peyton her eyes were locked onto the taller blond girl, " wait, hold on. Peyton, you got the arms wrong"

Peyton rolled her eyes in annoyance as she didn't really seem to care since it was her mothers death anniversary and would rather be anywhere else but at school, " it's not brain surgery, Brooke" Peyton snapped causing an confused look to appear on Brooke face as she questioned, " Okay, what's with the attitude?" Peyton scoffed in disbelief narrowing her eyes at the brunette and resorted, " what's with your life? Seriously, aren't you embarrassed the most imported thing in your world is some stupid cheer?"

Ellie folded her arms across her chest as she glanced at Peyton as she knew it wouldn't be easy for the blonde girl especially since she blamed herself for her moms death and ever since she died every year Peyton would act out but it didn't give her the right to take it out on Brooke, " look, I'm really sorry things didn't work out with you and Nathan, but don't go all Mariah on me, okay?"

Peyton scoffed in disbelief as Brooke and Ellie was with her when she found out her mom had gotten into a car accident their stayed at the hospital with her the entire night but Peyton mom didn't survive and couldn't believe that Brooke who was one of her best friends didn't remember, " you think this is about Nathan? You're not even close! You're not even in the neighbourhood of close!" Peyton yelled out loudly causing the frown to deepen on Brooke face as she didn't know what was up with friend and was concerned about her, "okay, then what's wrong?"

"What's wrong is how pointless all of this is!" Peyton explained loudly gaining the attention of the basketball players who had turned their attention towards the two girls. " stop saying that!" Brooke exclaimed sending Peyton a look who shook her head in response, " No, because it's true! What difference does it make if you sleep with a popular guy or you go to the right party, or you know the moves to some moronic cheer to do at some lame- ass game I could care less about!" Peyton snapped throwing the Pom-Pom's in Brooke face before storming out of the gym.


After practice, Elizabeth was making her way towards her car to pick up Maya from her grandfathers when a familiar voice called out her name, " Ellie!" Nathan called out jogging after the Jones teen causing her to roll her eyes in response as she was still mad at him after what he did at the party the night before and hasn't spoken to him since, " what do you want, Nate?" She questioned as Nathan was now walking beside her causing him to frown in confusion at her attitude towards, " have you heard from Peyton? And what's with the attitude?"

𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐌𝐄 - 𝐋𝐔𝐂𝐀𝐒 𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐓𝐓Where stories live. Discover now