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- Crash Into You

"Hey, can I catch a ride with you and Peyton to Nathan's party later?" Brooke questioned Elizabeth as the two girls were stood on the sidelines cheering for the Ravens who were playing against another team only for Ellie to raise her brows as she ...

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"Hey, can I catch a ride with you and Peyton to Nathan's party later?" Brooke questioned Elizabeth as the two girls were stood on the sidelines cheering for the Ravens who were playing against another team only for Ellie to raise her brows as she looked at Brooke and replied, " I didn't think you were going, figuring you be hiding out in Lucas's backseat again" Brooke had a smirk on her face as she stared at her best friend and teased, " jealous?"

Elizabeth rolled her eyes in response sending Brooke a deadpanned look, " No" Brooke couldn't help but laugh as she knew the blonde liked Lucas but was just afraid of getting into another relationship after everything that happened with Liam, " What? I could see it. You're all sunshine and happiness and Lucas is kind of broody. I could totally see you guys together" Ellie couldn't help but nudge Brooke letting out a laugh before the two girls turned their attention back to the basket ball game.

"Now the Ravens in bound with the ball. Looks like they're trying to isolate Nathan Scott on the baseline. The Masenberg defense tightens on him. Scott battles through, still working hard to get open down there. Now Tim Smith, with the ball, working over on the wing. He's dribbling, looking for Nathan underneath, but he's boxed in. And now- Oh! Oh! A cross court pass putting Lucas Scott over the basket."

Ellie couldn't help the smile on her face as she cheered loudly for the ravens when she noticing the furious look on Nathan face when Tim had passed the ball to Lucas instead of him, " So much for the putty grip on that one as the Ravens fall back on the bench. And I tell you what, Lucas Scott is really starting to gel with this team" once the game was over and that the ravens had won, Elizabeth walked over to Lucas ignoring Tim and Nathan as she passed them who was apologizing to Nathan for passing the ball to Lucas.

"Well, well, well. It looks like you are cut out for this after all " Elizabeth teased with a grin on her lips causing Lucas to laugh at the blonde beauty as when he first starting playing properly he was terrible but once he got over his fear of not being good enough player he's been amazing at both games, " I guess you were right then. Like you said when it's something you love to do then there's nothing stopping you from going for it"

Nathan walked over towards the two of them narrowing his eyes at Lucas and commented, "Two decent games in a row, man. Getting better or just lucky?" Lucas looked over at Elizabeth who glanced between the two brothers awkwardly, " I'm just gonna go. Good game, Luke. I'll see you both later I guess" Lucas watched as Elizabeth walked away before turning his attention back to Nathan with an annoyed look on his face, " The teams got a party tonight, my parents beach house"

Lucas had a confused look on his face as he stared at Nathan and questioned, "Why are you telling me that?" Nathan shrugged his shoulders sending Lucas a look and resorted, " because I said ' The Team' didn't I? Look, it's gonna be a long season, all right? Might as well deal with it" Lucas rolled his eyes letting out a heavy sigh as he watched Nathan walk away with a suspicious look on his face.

𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐌𝐄 - 𝐋𝐔𝐂𝐀𝐒 𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐓𝐓Where stories live. Discover now