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- Are You True?

Ellie was stood by the sidelines in the school gym between Brooke and Peyton as it was game night as the ravens were playing against another team but what was different was that Lucas decided not to quit and let Nathan get to him as he was doing t...

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Ellie was stood by the sidelines in the school gym between Brooke and Peyton as it was game night as the ravens were playing against another team but what was different was that Lucas decided not to quit and let Nathan get to him as he was doing this to prove he is good enough and also because of his mom causing a small smile to appear on her lips, " Let's go, let's go, ravens, let's go" the cheerleaders cheered from the side of the court.

Whitey had called a timeout to have a prep talk with his team, while the cheerleaders were doing some routine Ellie and Brooke had made up causing the crowd the cheer loudly only moving back to the side line once the boys broke their huddle causing Ellie to smile as she grabbed Lucas arm squeezing it in reassurance and told him, " don't worry so much about it. You're doing great"

"So a quick timeout and the ravens take to the court, their undefeated record at stake. 18 seconds on the clock. They need a basket to tie or a 3-pointer for the win. Jagielski to inbound, finds Tim Smith out top. We're under 10 seconds now. They dump it down to Nathan Scott and he's double teamed... forces up a 7 footer. It kicks off the heel of the rim. Jake Jagielski with the rebound, 5 seconds on the clock. Jagielski licks it out to Lucas Scott behind the 3-point line. The ravens are going to win or loose right here"

Lucas jumped in the air throwing the ball, a quiet silence was heard as everyone watched the ball as it entered the basket just as the buzzer went off causing everyone to scream and cheer in victory as Ellie smacked her Pom-poms together happily with a bright smile on her lips," unbelievable! Lucas Scott with the 3-pointer at the buzzer and the One Tree Hill Ravens are still undefeated! And I tell you, what, if you're going to play the Ravens this season, you better take notes. There's a new Scott in town."

Ellie and Brooke shared a look with large smiles on their faces as the blonde saw the impressed look on her friends face. It didn't take long until she got changed in the changing rooms before she slung her duffle bag on her shoulder walking out of the changing room bumping into Peyton, " Hey, what do you say we go out for some Chinese food?" Ellie questioned as the two blondes began to make their way towards Peyton's car.

"Yeah, I'm starving. We can go mine after and have a movie marathon" peyton suggested causing a smile to appear on Ellie face as she linked arms with the curly blonde only for her eyes to widened in shock as she pulled Peyton to a stop who frowned in confusion, " what is it?" Ellie pointed her finger towards Lucas who was sat in the car with Brooke in the backseat wearing her leopard print bra, " Oh, my god. She didn't. I'm so gonna kill her"

Peyton smiled with an amused look on her face as she wrapped her arm around Ellie, " Okay, you are not gonna kill our best friend. You know how protective she is over you and probably just wants to know if he's good for you especially after what happened with the last guy you was with" Ellie shook her head only to gasp in shock placing her hand over her mouth sharing a look with Peyton before the two of them burst into laughter at the sight of Coach Durham knocking on Lucas car window causing Brooke to hide in the backseat making both Ellie and Peyton laugh as they walked over to Peyton's knowing that Brooke would probably tell them everything tomorrow.

𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐌𝐄 - 𝐋𝐔𝐂𝐀𝐒 𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐓𝐓Where stories live. Discover now