Chapter 1: Conditions

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"Bruce." Tim called after his mentor and adopted father. They had just gotten back from a nightly patrol. Normally, Damian would go with Bruce on patrol, and Tim would chill out for the night or patrol another part of Gotham. But Damian had refused to leave the house for the past week. Bruce, Tim, and Alfred all knew why.

Since Wally's disappearance, Tim and Damian had been visiting their older brother, Dick's apartment. He claimed he was fine, but that bags under his eyes, and the showing ribs in his frame said otherwise. Once Bruce had found out, he had basically forced Dick to move back into the manor.

Batman stopped, not turning to look back at his son. Tim had seen that the Dark Knight had become increasingly more violent over the course of the week, more violent than he normally is when dealing with normal muggings and thuggs.

"Is something on your mind?" He asked, coming closer to his father but remaining behind his back and crossing his arms. The bat had remained silent for a moment before speaking.

"Nothing of your concern, Tim." He said, pulling off his cowl and walking up to the Batcomputer. Tim heaved a sigh. He knew that he wasn't going to get anything out of his mentor if he didn't want to share what was on his mind, but Tim had a good idea already.

Tim followed him as Bruce sat in the seat in front of the massive computer. He watched as he logged into the database and brought up some files on some of the criminals they had stopped earlier that night. Tim wasn't interested in seeing their background and was more concerned with how his older brother was doing. So he made his way to the elevator that lifted him to the manor.


Tim knocked on Dick's door and waited for a reply.

"Come in, Drake." Came a voice from inside. Time was surprised that he recognized it as Damian's.

Tim opened the door and closed it behind him. He found Damian in Dick's desk chair, reading a book. Dick was in his bed, and to his surprise and relief, he saw that Dick was sleeping at last. Tim and Damian couldn't remember the last time they had seen Dick asleep. Tim turned his head to look at Damian, and as if reading his mind, he said:

" He's been asleep for two hours." He deadpaned.

That was so much better than he hoped.

"We should go and let him sleep." Tim suggested. Damian looked to his older than to his sleeping one. He was clearly hesitant about leaving. But after a moment, he got up and opened the door, leaving it open for Tim to follow him. Tim noticed something on his oldest brother's nightstand. He glanced to see if Damian was waiting for him. When the hall was empty, he took a look at what was on the nightstand. He was surprised to see a crimson colored bat symbol. It reminded Tim of one thing, more in particular, one person.

Tim shook the thought away as he turned to the door again, leaving and closing it behind him, leaving his brother to rest.


Dick had woken up about thirty minutes later. As expected, he went straight to his computer, no one knew what he was looking for, and if Dick was being honest, he didn't know himself. He just knew he was looking for something.

He rubbed his eyes as he heard a knock on his door.

"Master Dick? It is dinner time, and Master Bruce would like to speak to you." Alfred's sweet and kind voice passed through the closed door.

Dick pinched the bridge of his nose as he focused on what Alfred had said.

"Alright, I'll be down in a minute. Thank you, Alfred." He replied.

"Of course, Master Dick." Alfred replied as he walked back downstairs.

Dick rubbed his eyes again before standing and opening his door and making his way downstairs.

Damian was already there, and Tim was helping Alfred set the table. Damian looked at him almost intently but kept his face emotionless. Tim had frowned when he had seen him but held love and concern in his eyes. While Alfred just gave Dick a warm smile.

"Bruce is in the Batcave. He would like to speak to you in private, Master Dick." He said warmly, but his smile faded a bit. Dick shrugged it off and nodded.


"You wanted to see me?" Dicks raw and groggy voice echoed in the cave causing some bats to flutter around.

Bruce turned his head at the sound of his voice, but his back was still turned to him. Bruce was out of uniform, sitting at the Batcomputer.

"Yes." Bruce replied. Dick could hear him take a deep breath, like a kid that was caught stealing a cookie from the cookie jar. Bruce turned to face Dick, not bothering to hide his emotions. Dick was surprised to find worry and sadness in his adoptive father's eyes. "Dick, me, your brothers, and your team are worried about you. It's been four months, and it only looks like you've gotten worse." Bruce's expression almost turned to a pleading one, which caused Dick to look away, directing his attention to the floor. Bruce sighed. "I want you to stop being Nightwing." He said finally. Dick froze. Bruce wanted him to stop being a hero? No, being a hero was his whole life ever since his parents died, and Bruce took him in.

"What? Bruce, you know I can't do that. Fighting crime has been most of my life!" Dick's voice raised unintentionally at the last part, but Bruce wasn't bothered.

"Being a hero, your day job, which may I remind you, is still on hold? And you mourning Wally's death is worsening your state." Bruce said with sadness in his eyes. Bruce just wanted the best for his son, and if taking away his hero duties was how that was going to happen, then he was willing to do it.

"Please don't." Dick could see water clouding his vision and the sting on the tears at the back of his eyes. Taking away his hero duties was like taking more of the remains that were left behind after Wally disappeared.

Bruce sighed. "You have one more month to prove that you're improving with your conditions. If they don't, then I will have to make you stand down from being Nightwing. I'm sorry, I just want to help you. I can't lose another son, not after what happened to Jason." Bruce said, the hurt becoming more evident in his eyes. Dick tensed before anger rivaled in his mind.

"Don't you talk to me about Jason. I knew him more than you ever would! I was there when he needed me! You were never there for him like you were for me." Dick's tears finally ran down his tanned face, dripping off his chin onto the floor.

Bruce drew a sharp breath. Although it was true and he was guilty of his actions, it still hurt him. Especially when it came from his own son's mouth. "And that was my mistake." He admitted, looking back at the Batcomputer. "I may not show it very well, but I love you and your brothers. Not a single day gose by without me regretting not being there for Jason and not being there in time to save him." Bruce's vision blurred as tears clouded his eyes, quickly blinking them away. He looked back at Dick. He still looked angry with him, not that Bruce could blame him, he didn't want to take away his hero activities, and he knew that talking about Jason just added to the glass that Dick was already walking on.

"Good night, Bruce." Dick said, cooley. He then turned his back to Bruce and headed up to the manor.

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