Chapter 10: In The Making

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"Y'know, this piece of shit was a lot of work to get." Red Hood grunted as he placed the particle accelerator into the roof they were standing on.

"Ya, sorry. But, I knew you were the right man for the job, that's why I asked." Nightwing explained, looking at the peice of machinery. "I was hoping it would be a little bigger, but we're just going to have to make this work." He mumbled to himself.

Jason rolled his eyes under his helmet.

"How exactly is this going to work?" He asked

The bird either didn't hear him or ignored him as he checked the machine a few more times, then stood up and jumped off the roof into an alleyway.

Jason ran over to the edge and looked down into a disgusting alleyway of Gotham but no Nightwing, as somthing black flew straight out of the alleyway and was now hovering above the rooftop.

Hovering above him was the Batjet.

The top popped open to reveal Nightwing sitting in the pilot seat.

"Load the thing up, and we'll get to where we need to go." He explained from above.

Jason just stared, wide-eyed at his older brother for a few moments before recovering and replacing the shocked look with a mischievous smirk.

"Nightwing, you son of a bitch."


Jason looked out the window as they soared about the white plains of the arctic.

"Mind actually explaining why the fuck we are in the middle of the arctic?" Jason asked out of nowhere.

Dick didn't respond for a few moments.

"In order for this to work, the Is particle accelerator has to be at the location that he had disappeared." The brid responded.

That got Jason's attention, as his gaze snapped from the window.

"So we're going to where the battle took place?" Jason didn't know why, but he was unsettled about going to the location where his brother's best friend was supposedly murdered. Normally, he would be fine because he is always surrounded by exposed blood and extreme violence. Even as a kid.

Dick nodded.

It was silent for the rest of the ride.


Dick had finally landed the Batjet and him and Jason were both trying to set up the particle accelerator.

"How the fuck does Wally deal with these types of things?" Dick muttered as he flipped a few switches as he set it up.

Dick looked to Jason, who was staring at him as if he hadn't seen him before. Dick shook it off.

"Ok, that's just about, does it. I want you to go to the Batjet and wait inside until I come after I turn this thing on, got it?" The bird asked the younger.

Jason lightly scoffed but nodded and walked towards the Batjet and hopping in, leaving it open for his older brother when he turned the machine on.

Dick nodded to Jason, to which he returned, then turned back to the machine and positioned his finger above the button that would turn it on as he got ready to run to the Batjet.

The bird took a deep breath,

Then, pressed the button

A light turned green, and Dick made an almost inhumane dash for the Batjet.

The machinery started to work and powered up, ready to start its work. A huge wave of radiation made its way across the snow, slowly but surely, gaining on the young adult.

Jason started panicking, worried out of his mind if his brother in time, particle accelerators were not something to mess around with, Barry and Wally knew that better than anyone. Jason watched painfully in the Batjet as his older brother dashed for the vehicle.

Dick made one last huge leap as he tried to get to the Batjet.

His body violently crashed into the vehicle, probably badly bruising the side of his body that had crashed into the passenger side seat.

Jason sealed the Batjet shut, then turned to aid his older brother, who was groaning in pain in the seat next to him.

"Your ass nearly didn't make it!" He spat, worry shone clear as day in his eyes.

Dick peeled off his mask and smiled weakly at his first sibling.

"But I did, and the machine his working. That's all that matters." He said, sitting up correctly to look out the front window at the machine that was working outside in the snow, winceing while doing so.

Jason wanted to argue, slap Dick across the face, and lecture him about him actually being important. That's the hard thing about Dick. He thinks he's the least important thing in the world. When really, it's the opposite to others. He didn't realize how big of an impact he had on everyone's life around him. And honestly? That scared Jason, more than anything, that one day, Dick will die because of his selflessness.

Jason decided to leave it, but make sure he was heard later, and turned to look out the window as well.

For several long moments, nothing had happened.

Dick could feel tears starting to prick at his eyes, making their presence known. Dick let out a shaky breath, trying to calm the hurricane of emotions whirling inside him. He was broken away from his inner panic by Jason.

"What the hell?" He asked to no one in particular, eyes wide, staring straight out the window.

Dick turned to look, too. His eyes grew wide as well.

Around the particle accelerator were little dots full of color.

More and more seemed to be coming from everywhere, from in front of the Batjet from behind, left, right, up. He'll, even down, out of the ground.They kept coming from all angles until no more were coming.

Dick looked at the different colors, each one representing something of Wally.

The mustard yellow of his Kid Flash suit.

The bright, traffic colored red as well.

The tanned peach color of his skin.

The copper red of his hair.

The unmistakable, remarkable green of his eyes.

All colors representing something of Wally.

The dots and color started swirling around and around, suddenly seeming to get brighter every second.

The two heroes found out that the colors were getting brighter.

They got so bright that they had to look away, the bright flashes of light and color hurting their eyes.

The light had finally died down. They looked back. The particle accelerator was no longer there. But in place of it, there was a body.

The body of a redheaded speedster.

The body of Wally West.

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