Chapter 3: Past Hero, Future Vigilante?

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Red Hood was shocked, to say the least.

When he had read the note that he had gotten from Nightwing, he was shocked, surprised, and, although he wouldn't admit it, somewhat relieved. And he didn't know why. The note didn't say anything about his identity or anything personal. it just seemed genuine.

He read over the note again:

Batman has his eye out for you. You know, you really piss him off. Watch your back.

I want to meet up. If you're who I think you are, then you know where to find me.

He didn't know why, but the vigilante was excited to see the black and blue bird. And he was right. He did know where to find him. He couldn't wait.


It had been almost an entire day since Dick had given the vigilante the note. He was wondering if he would turn up.

An idea entered his mind. He didn't exactly like it, but he had promised Wally, even though he couldn't hear it.

Dick dragged himself out of his desk chair and to his closet. He threw on a skin-tight, black T-shirt, some jeans with a few tears here and there, dark, navy blue convers and a Kid Flash hoodie that he stole from Wally.

He quietly made his way downstairs. He opened the door and gently closed it behind him.

It was around 10 p.m., and it was dark out. He already knew that Damian was asleep and Tim was with Bruce on patrol.

"Are you going somewhere, Master Dick?"


Dick froze as he heard the kind voice of Alfred Pennyworth. With his back still facing the manor, not making any effort to move. He heard a sigh, then a breathy chuckle.

"Be back before midnight, and I won't tell Master Bruce. Be safe, Master Dick." And with that, the front door to Wayne manor closed softly, once again leaving Dick alone in the front of Wayne manor. Dick gave a silent thanks and prayer for Alfred. Bless that sweet man's heart. Dick started walking again, mind set on his previous destination.


Dick stopped in front of the zeta tube. He didn't want to let the others know he was coming. They would ask questions and insist he stayed longer than he wanted to. Although he cared about the team, he didn't want that. He just wanted in and out.

Dick brought up his hologlove that he knew he could use to hack the zeta tube. Once he was done, he sighed and walked into the run-down phone booth. There was a bright white flash, and he was gone.


As he expected, it was dark and quiet, and the zeta tube didn't announce his arrival. He was relieved.

Flashbacks came flooding back to him, about the good old times, before he messed things up, before Wally died. He pushed the thoughts out of his head and set off to where he had come here for.

It was fuzzy for Dick until he found himself surrounded by holograms.

Holograms of his dead friends.

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