Chapter 9: A Call for Help

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Roy slowly woke up to a warm body pressed against his on the hard floor of the warehouse.

He blushed lightly before turning his head to look over his shoulder to see the body that, sure enough, belonged to his best friend, Jason Todd.

Roy carefully slid off of the mattress and not waking his best friend in the process.

He sighed silently out of relief, standing up as well and stretching.That would have been awkward -

"You know if you wanted to get up, you could have told me."

Roy jumped and looked for the source of the voice, only to realize that Jason was awake and had changed positions to look at him with a shit eating smirk on his face.

Roy, now as red as a tomato, looked away, covering him mouth, not knowing how to react to the situation.

Roy and Jason always had an..odd relationship, but it always worked out with them. But Roy always thought of Jason differently than his other friends and colleagues, and in the past few weeks, had come to the conclusion that he was in love with the Red Hood, who was his best friend.

It was like Jason picked something up as well because he was constantly on Roy. Roy, now always woke up with the other vigilante pressed against his body, as well as purposely bumping into him or looking at him at random times.

Even on patrol, he took several shallow blows for Roy and was always trying to protect him. Even more than normal.

Roy forced himself to calm down and turned back to Jason, who had gotten up as well and was putting putting a new shirt on.

"Jay?" He asked, gaining the dark-haired boy's attention.

He humed in response, acknowledging that he had heard him, as he pulled on his combat boots and ran his hand through his hair, now looking at the redhead.

"What am I to you?" He asked seriously, crossing his arms.

Jason seemed surprised at this question, and a small tint of pink faded onto his cheeks, but Roy didn't seem to notice.

"What do you mean?" He asked, even though he already knew the answer.

"Stop playing dumb, Jason." He said seriously. "Why are you acting like we're a couple all of a sudden?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

Jason didn't answer. He seemed to be spaced out.

Just as Roy went to talk again, he replied.

"You really want to know?" His voice was hushed, as if he was ashamed, which is very rare for him.

"Yes, I do." Roy replied. He sounded almost pleading. His arms fell to his sides, and his eyes were filled with curiosity and slight fear.

Jason sighed.

"Because I don't know what else I'm supposed to do to guess." Jason looked away, his face a rosey red color over took his face, and his eyes became glassy, fear of rejection rising in his stomach now that he had actually said it.

Jason felt a cool hand softly brush through his hair and finally rest on his cheek. The cool and soft hand brought Jason to look Roy in the eyes.

"It's good to know we both feel the same way, then." He said softly before planting a short and sweet kiss on the vigilantes for head.

Jason let out a breath of relief that he wasn't aware he was holding.

Roy let out a small chuckle, hearing that from Jason was foreign to him.

Jason gave Roy a half playful glare before grabbing the front of the collar of his shirt and pulling him into a kiss.

It caught Roy off guard but melted into it.

Their moment was cut short by a phone ringing. Jason realized it was his.

He pulled away, slightly irritated that the moment was ruined by someone calling him. He pulled his phone out of his back pocket and looked at the name of who was calling.


Jason shot an apologetic glance to Roy, who just smiled sweetly at him and went to sit down on the worn-out couch.

Jason answered the phone and stepped out the back of the warehouse.

"What did you do now, Goldy?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

"I found a way to get Wally back." He replied. Wind rushed by the phone, so the second Robin assumed that he was jumping on the rooftops, but in the middle of the day?

"What? How? When?" He asked. He was shocked. He thought Dick would soon realize that there was no way to bring him back, but if he actually found a way to do it,

"I can't really explain it. It just sort of clicked." The bird replied.

Jason could read his older brother like an open book, and he could tell he was lying, but why? The younger brother decided to let it go.

"But that's why I called." He continued. "I need you to get something for me."

"What do you need?" He asked

There was silence for a moment.

"I need you to brake into S.T.A.R. Labs and steal a particle accelerator."


Hey, guys!

Yes, I know, I haven't been updating as regularly. I'm sorry!!

I am going to try and finish this story before school starts for me, so I am both excited and afraid to say that the story will soon be coming to a close.

I'm sorry that this chapter was kind of short and away from the main plot of the story, but I wanted to show more of Roy and Jay's relationship and wanted to get that going, but I hope y'all will stay with me until the end, you won't regret it!!

(Specifically to my best friend)

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