Chapter 12: Truth Be Told.

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Dick awoke from his light sleep by harsh, rapid knocking on his door.

Dick groaned. "Coming." He said, though it was muffled into his pillow.

He hauled himself up and walked over to his bedroom door, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes at the same time.

He opened his door, expecting one of his brothers or Bruce and maybe Alfred.

What he did not expect was his redheaded speedster waiting on the other side for him.

There was a stunned silence, Dick's eyes were wide, staring into the emerald ones that he missed so dearly. A soft, heartwarming smile slowly stretched across Wally's face.

"Hey Dickie." He said softly. His eyes stayed locked with the birds for a few moments longer before they traveled down to his abdomen.

Wally stared at the almost completely untouched Kid Flash hoodie that his best friend was wearing. There were no stains traced anywhere on the fabric, but there were definitely more than a few wrinkles. He was clearly sleeping in it.

Wally felt heat rush to his face.

Damnit, Wally.

Before Wally could process what happened, the air was forced out of him when Dick lunged forward and locked him in a hug, tears clearly evident.

Wally shushed him and just held him there for what felt like forever.

After a while, the raven haired boy had finally composed himself and invited the speedster into his room.

Wally happily complied and sat cross-legged on his best friend's bed.

They spent hours after hours, just talking to each other, laughing, and enjoying each other's presence.

Dick couldn't remember the last time he was this happy.


It had been many hours, and the boys had soon discovered that it was 2 in the morning.

"Huh- what?" Wally stared at the clock as if it was some foreign language.

Dick giggled.

"Yup." He said simply, popping the p at the end.

Dick leaned backward onto his bed, his lower body dangled off the side.

Wally got up from the floor, that he had somehow shifted from the bed to the floor earlier, and flopped on the bed beside his best friend.


Saying that felt wrong, like it wasn't strong enough to describe their relationship, how they felt around each other, how he felt around him.

He wanted to take a risk.

One that he had wanted to take for a long time.

He sat up and looked at his gorgeous best friend. His hair was fluffed slightly, spread over the comforter of his bed. His perfect crystal blue eyes looked at him questioningly, an almost shocking resemblance of a confused husky puppy. The thought made Wally smile lightly.

Dick sat up as well, a little confused.

Wally took this as his chance.

Wally leaned closer and gently pressed his lips onto the other boy's.

Dick was caught off guard and shocked. His best friend was kissing him.

I mean, come on, how often does that happen?

Dick was so stunned that he lost forgot to kiss back, but when he felt the warmth of the redheads lips fading from his, he snapped out of his daze and kissed back before he could pull away completely.

Both wanted this moment to last forever.

But unfortunately, they both needed so air and pulled away, resting their foreheads against each other's as they almost silently panted to get their breath back.

Dick couldn't help but question, "What about Artemis?"

Wally thought for a moment before answering.

"I think being announced dead is enough to call a breakup." He said, a breathy chuckle escaping his lips.

Dick smiled.

"You're terrible." He teased

"Nah, you love me." He said, bashing his eyelashes.

"Yeah, I really do."


Hey, here it is, guys.

It's finally here, the end of the book!!

I hope you all loved it, I know I did, and this is just the start of my writing journey and I hope you all follow me both on Wattpad and on my journey while I write new stories. 😊

Thank you all for reading this far. You are all amazing, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!

Keep on reading,

Keep on writing,

Keep on exploring!

I love you all, and thank you again!!

Lola ❤️

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