Chapter 6: Long, But Not Lost

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Nightwing and Tigeress sat on top of an abandoned apartment building, just outside of Gotham.

Artemis trusted her friend, but the fact that they were meeting in a place this made her uneasy.

"Can you please tell me who we're meeting?" She asked merely above a whisper.

Before Dick could reply, a voice answered for her.

"No need."

The black and orange hero spun around to see where the voice came from. Her eyes widened at who she saw.

It was a male with red hair, and his eyes were covered by a domino mask. He wore a red and black suit that covered his legs and torso but had short sleeves. He had a quiver full of arrows and a bow in his hand.


"Roy?" The orange and black hero questioned

Roy ignored Tigeress and turned to Nightwing.

"You never told me you were bringing someone. I don't know if I've clarified this, but Red Hood is not the only one who would like to stay off the grid." He said seriously.

Roy was a funny, light-hearted guy, but when he had to be serious or when he was upset, he could be quiet intimidating.

"Ya, I know. I'm sorry. Batman took all the communicators I had and locked my phone on me. I couldn't shake her either." Nightwing replied and shot Arsenal an apologetic look.

Tigeress shot the bird a look, but it was ignored.

The red hero sighed and shook his head.

"What did you need?" He asked, looked back at the bird, and tiger.

"I need to show you something."


They found themselves back in the Batcave, looking at the Batcomputer's monitor. Dick was explaining exactly what he said to Artemis.

Roy didn't say a thing the whole time Dick was explaining. He just stared intently at the screen.

Once the bird was done, he turned to his friend, who had not taken off his uniform or his mask.

"So you're saying we can bring him back." He asked quietly, not taking his eyes off the monitor.

"It's a possibility. We just need to find out how." Dick said while exchanging glances with Artemis, who was the only one who had taken off her mask.

Roy reminded Silent for a while. His hood shadowed his face, covering his expression and any indication of what he was thinking.

"Let's get to work then." He said, turning his body to face the computer completely and taking off his hood to show a determined look on his face.

"One more thing." Dick stated as Roy looked at him. "Don't tell anyone. Whether it's the League or Young Justice, you can't let anyone know what we're doing, especially Batman. There is no doubt they will try to stop us from doing this." He said. He voice was dead serious, something that used to be rare coming from the bird but was now normal.

Roy gave a simple, curt nod, indicating that he understood and then turned his head back to the monitor, ready to get to work.


"You should head home. You two had been at this for hours." Artemis said when she noticed Dicks eyelids drifting closed.

She had taken a nap in the time they were at this, so she was rested. She also helped a little bit, but she knew nothing about what they were doing and really could only offer suggestions.

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