Chapter 7: Memories and the Unknown

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"Thank you, Artemis." Bruce said as Artemis stood in front of him at the front of the house.

"You're welcome, Mr. Wayne." She said with a smile that faded to a frown. "I want to do more for him than look at him suffer and be depressed, I understand that there is only so much we can do, but he's wasting away at the Batcomputer." She said sadly

Bruce mimicked Artemis with a frown of his own and nodded. "I know, but being there for him is really all that we can do for him. He needs to recover on his own, even if it takes years."


Dick lay on his bed, staring up at the ceiling with a blank expression. He didn't know what to think anymore. Normally, at this time, he and Wally would be texting back and forth about the most random things.

At the thought, Dick reached over to his nightstand and pulled his phone off of the piece of furniture and turned the screen on. The bright screen made him squint to see s he turned the brightness down in the dark room.

Dick tapped on the texting app and went to Wallys contact. He scrolled and scrolled through the countless messages that him and his best friend had sent as jokes, funny insults, and just straight-up idiotic debates.

Dick smiled sadly at the texts and re-read some of them.

Wally:  I'm dying!!! HELP MEEEEEEE!!!!
sent at 1: 46 am

You: You're walking upstairs, you'll be fine.
sent at 1: 49 am

Wally: My feet are gonna fall off before I reach the top!!!
sent at 1:49 am

You: I have your snack stash
sent at 1: 50 am.

sent at 1: 50 am.

Dick smiled at the small chat before reading on.

You: I created a horcrux
Sent at 10:21 pm

Wally: What? How? You're not even a meta.
Sent at 10:23 pm

You: Shut up.
Sent at 10:23 pm

You: I talked to a cat
Sent at 10:23 pm

Sent at 10:24 pm

You: And d It talked back to me. We were talking for, like 5 mins before it ran off.
Sent at 10: 24 pm

Wally: .....
Sent at 10:24 pm

Wally: You possessed it somehow.
Sent at 10:24 pm

Wally: I'm convinced
Sent at 10:25 pm

He chuckled at the last few messages as a silent tear fell down his face. He didn't notice it.


You:Just left that isle

You: Just missed me


You: Come on, dude. You're the fastest kid alive, and you can't find a normal human like me?


You: To bad you're too big to fit in the vents

Wally: WHAT!?

Dick laughed lightly at the memory. The team went to the grocery store to get ingredients for M'gann's cookies, but him and Wally got separated from the others, and Dick decided to hide on Wally.

In the end, they were both lectured by Aqualad.

Soon, he dropped his phone and was drifting off to sleep.


"Hey, man."

Dick looked up to see a black void and a certain redheaded speedster. A mustard yellow and bright red suit proving his thoughts.

Dick couldn't breathe right.

"W-Wally?" He asked gently, as if he would shatter his own voice if he spoke to loudly.

"I've gotta be fucking seeing things." Dick declared, running a hand through his hair.

The redhead shook his head.

"No, you're not, Dickie." He said with a loving smile on his freckled face.



"How? You're dead-" Dick broke off, realizing something. "This is a dream. It has to be." He lifted his arm and pinched it.

He winced.

It was real.

It's all real.

Dick was speechless. Then tears started to brim his eyes.

"Wally!" He ran forward, trying to reach his best friend. But was stopped by an invisible force, preventing him from getting to the other young hero.

"I tried getting to you before you woke up." Wally said sadly, placing his hand on the barrier that separated them.

Dick placed both of his hands on it, placing one of them on top of Wally's on the other side.

"How are you here?" The acrobat asked as a tear slod down his cheek.

Wally wanted to wipe the tear off of Dick's faces and just hug him close. Just letting him know that everything will be okay. But he couldn't, he didn't even know how he was here. But he didn't have much time left.

"I don't know. But that's not important, Dick. As soon as you leave you need to get to my hologram, can you do that?" He asked.

Dick nodded. "Why?"

"Because we're out of time."

Wally then faded into dust.

"No!" Dick banged on the barrier with his fists as tears streamed down his face.



Hey, peeps, I know this is a shorter one than normal but I hope it got y'all riled up because the next few chapters are really gonna get the story cook'en!

*Glares at my best friend*

Don't open the gates of hell yet, I'm still working-

Jason: That shit hole sucks don't open that thing back up.

Me: *looks at Jason* Tell that to my friend! It's a mission for her not to do that-

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